in guns magazine 2009 buyer's guide
volume 66, mr. fadala sez :
"my 30/30 for example shoots round lead
balls intended for the .32 caliber squirrel rifle.
these .310 pills are readily available over the
counter. full-length resize your brass. fit a
standard primer. pop in a mere pinch of fast
burning powder. squeeze the round ball down
level into the mouth of the case, and that's
all there is to it. the 30/30 has been
metamorphosed into a peanut shooter. i have
similar squib loads for my 30/06, as well as
45/70 with a .457 round ball intended for the
ruger old army cap and ball."
in a sidebar photo, there is a photo of two
pointed bullet 30/30 rounds, and some
loose cast round nose bullets.
the text reads:
" a way to prepare small game loads for a
big game rifle is light cast bullets, such as
these .309 diameter 75 grain weight for
30 caliber rifles"