I finally got my first wheelgun. It's a Ruger BH in .357.
Now before you go labeling me a whimp, it isn't the overall recoil that bothers me. It's that the bottom edge of the grip digs into my pinky finger.
I shoot one-handed with the pinky finger underneath the grip. I think they call this slip-shooting? That way when the gun recoils it stands up and puts the hammer right into position for my thumb to grab it. Then when I close my hand the gun "self-cocks" and is almost right back on target.
This is a suprisingly effective way to handle a single action. It "feels right".
But the base of my pinky is black and blue. Funny thing is I don't really notice it when I shoot - it just sort of shows up, then it gets sore.
I experimented with a cap-n-ball revolver of my brother's and did not have this problem. The grip must be different somehow.
Any solutions?
I'm about ready to take a wood rasp to the right side grip panel and round off that edge to the bevel. But it's a brand new gun...