It is only 315,000 People. In a city like Chicago, where there are MIllions of people, adding the 315 million that now are on the healthcare rolls that will have to PAY thier co-op, pay their deductable, and Pay for other services that are not covered under the plans. These people were originally under Emergency care some of the most expensive care around. That they never paid for increasing the costs for the rest of us. If Chicago, Cook County, or even the State of Ill. Could not handle the addition of 315K there is a problem if it is over whelming their systems. Now if you told me that the ACA rules closed three hospitals and a few free clinics while adding 315 to the free clinic system, I could see the problems.
The other problem is that in all this time only 315000 people are on the rolls when there are almost a million people in cook county that are unemployed and need to enroll acording to the law, so what a failure that almost 70% of the people that could get free or subsidized plans have not signed up.