Article isn't bad, but they failed to cover a few things, first is punky wood, in the woods it is one of the easiest things to find and breaking enough of the wet outer layers is easier than whittling a stick to get to the dry portions, which you have to whittle even more to create dry shavings. And leaves, many times even in heavy rain there are piles of leaves where there are some that are still relatively dry and are easy to get lit. While they cover lighters, he should have emphasized them better, as they are the #1 thing that should be in any kit, the fancy fire starters are nice and all, but most are overrated. The Vaseline and cotton balls were shot down a bit to quick IMO, they are cheap and they work, maybe it was because this article is more of an advertisement than good advice. I have a magnesium block in most if not all of my kits, they do not break are water proof. They are a little hard to use, as the spark needs to hit it just right so its better to file instead of shaving with a knife, but once you get the hang of it it works great. What ever you end up choosing, it's a great idea to practice using your equipment before you really need it.