I've had several 9mm, as I fell into the Glock mania some years ago. The Glock 17 shot exceptionally well, and I'm not much of a fan of striker fired pistols. I got a glock 19 and a 30, and after my chemo I couldn't feel what I was doing too well and sold them. I still shot my Ruger 22/45 well, and bought a Ruger LC9s Pro that has a wonderful trigger, so I haven't abandoned striker fired pistols completely. However, I bought a CZ 75 SP01 and it has a hammer like my Colt Government model, and I love it. It's accurate, and when found out what size bullets to shoot from it I was happy. One Lee bullet has to be sized to .357, but the other mold lets it shot a .358, which is what my former Glocks and my little Ruger shoot just fine.
At the indoor range that I'll go to
there is once fired 9mm brass laying everywhere. I'll sweep it up into a pile and load it into a nylon sack that I have for collecting brass. That brass that I can't use goes into a 5 gallon bucket for a trip to the recycler or trade for non zinc COWW.
A few grains of Bullseye and I'm shooting again.......