my take on it is slightly different. I had a heavy barreled savage when the 17 mach 2 first came out. It was a tack driver. probably the most accurate rimfire I ever owned. But after using it I found it wasn't good for much. It tore up squirrels and about anything small game you shot unless you head shot them. First 3 squirrels I shot the first day I was out were completely destroyed. a 22lr about puts a hole in and a hole out and you can actually eat them afterwards. Then add to that that ammo was at least twice as expensive and at that time hard to find and it was about a 3 month afair I had with it and sold it. I guess to me if I want to blow the heck out of something id go with the 17hmr and really blow it up. Ammo isn't much more if anymore expensive. But then id look at that choice and just go get a 22 mag that again with the right ammo doesn't tear up so much meat.