major concealed carry insurance programs are now available to the millions of Americans who carry concealed.
What are some of the concealed carry insurance organizations offering plans for responsible armed citizens?
United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)
Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network (ACLDN)
U.S. Law Shield
CCW Safe
Second Call Defense
Firearms Legal Protection
According to a recent estimate by the Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC), more than 15 million Americans are now licensed to carry a firearm in the United States.
With that many and more legally licensed citizens — including those who keep guns strictly in the home for domestic protection, along with people who open carry or live in one of the dozen states that do not require licenses — the odds are increasing that someone will have to use their firearm to defend against a serious crime.
Realizing this possibility, at least six organizations have recognized the need for some type of coverage plans for the armed citizen who might someday act in self-defense. Unlike television, stopping a villain with lethal force isn’t the end of the drama — it’s often just the beginning.
Stepping up to the plate with protection programs are the United States Concealed Carry Association, Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network, U.S. Law Shield, CCW Safe, Second Call Defense and Firearms Legal Protection. Each has a slightly different approach to the challenge, because in this game, there are problems and there are solutions.
The hard truth is that most armed citizens simply have no idea of the legal minefield they step into the second they press the trigger. As more than one of the people we interviewed explained, from that moment, your life is changed forever.
Learn More: 5 Things You Must Know About CCW Insurance
Even if no criminal charge is filed, because we live in a litigious society, there are attorneys just chomping at the bit to make life miserable for armed citizens in civil court. That’s the reality. Defending a life with a firearm can break people — it can destroy life savings, families and jobs.
What You Need To Look For In CCW Insurance
Whether home, auto or concealed carry, insurance policies cover only certain things. In turn, you need to take the time to consider exactly what each option offers and if it will fit the minimum you need to protect you after a righteous shooting.
While many concealed carry insurance policies cover several expenses you’ll possibly encounter (we’ll get to those shortly), there are coverage areas that are essential in a good plan.
Attorney Fees: This is the meat and potatoes of any CCW insurance plan and should be where you put most of your consideration. Criminal and civil defense doesn’t come cheap and if your case goes to trial you might find a bill that runs up to six figures. It is a good idea to review if a policy covers retainer, criminal defense and civil defense and damages.
Bail Bond: Whiling away in a jail cell is a miserable experience, and can be detrimental. You need to earn a living, consult with your attorney and put your affairs in order. All of these are difficult to accomplish behind bars, which is why bail-bond coverage is typically part of a sound concealed carry insurance policy.
Coverage Across State Lines: Insurance laws differ state to state, which can cause problems if you travel with your defensive firearm. If you tool around the country you must read the fine print of where each policy covers you.
Expert Resources: One of the best ways to protect yourself from the legal ramifications of a lethal-force event is understanding the law and your rights. Access to solid and well-researched resources on these topics and concealed carry training prove invaluable and make you a more proficient armed citizen.
Other Areas Of Concealed Carry Coverage
In many cases, CCW policies go well beyond legal expenses and cover some other aspects you might not have considered, but you’ll possibly be on the hook for:
Crime Scene Clean Up
Negligent Discharge
Spouse And Family Self-Defense
Property Damage
Firearms Replacement
Work Loss Coverage
Personal Use Of Firearm (non-defensive)
You’ll find there are other areas covered by some concealed carry insurance plans worth contemplating. Many of them fall within the policies themselves, however, some cost extra. Certainly, they’ll make a plan more expensive, but are heartening, given how quickly expenses can add up if you’re involved in a self-defense situation.
Policy Caps
Insurance, no matter what it covers, has caps. In short, there is a set amount of money it will cover, then you’re on the hook for the rest. This goes for any of the add-ons you might select for your plan, as well.
Self-Defense Insurance - 3
Your budget dictates how much you can afford in a CCW insurance plan, but you want to make certain you don’t undercut yourself when it comes to coverage. On the surface, something along the lines of $250,000 coverage for attorney’s fees might sound solid, but could potentially shelter you from only a fraction the total expense.
Concealed Carry Insurance Options
Self-Defense Insurance USCCA
The United States Concealed Carry Association (USCCA)
One of the most established and largest – 285,00 paying members – concealed carry insurance companies, United States Concealed Carry Association brings a lot a gravitas to the game. Also flexibility.
With three levels of coverage to choose from, you can tailor your policy to your budget and needs. It also gives you the freedom to choose your attorney, in and outside their network.
The only upfront payments you receive if you enact your policy are for bail bond and criminal defense. And your bail is deducted from your criminal defense cap, along with your lawyer's retainer – which can quickly eat away at the total. Not a deal-breaker, but something to consider when shopping level of coverage. Also, if you live in New York or Washington state, you’re out of luck – USCCA coverage isn’t available in those states.
Gold Membership
$22/month or $247 annually
Legal Protection
Civil Defense & Damages Protection: $500,00
Criminal Defense, Bail Bond Funding & Attorney Retainer: $100,000
24/7/365 Critical Response Team
Your Choice of Criminal Defense Attorney
Up-Front Funding for Criminal Defense & Bail Bonds
Protection for Use of All Legal Weapons
Concealed Carry Magazine
Complete Print + Digital Subscription
1 Year Archive Online Access to Back Issues
CCW Reciprocity Map With Permit Expiration Reminders
Member-Only USCCA App Features
Weekly updates on news, changing laws and gear reviews
10 Lifesaving Checklists
15 Digital Guides and eBooks
Weekly Training Drills
Live Training Broadcasts
Nationwide USCCA Certified Instructor Network Access
Proving Ground Training Series Online Videos
Community Giving Program
24/7 Access to Expert Member Services Team
Free Daily Entry to USCCA Concealed Carry Expo
Spouse Membership Discount
Carry Confidence Kit
Member-Only Discounts on USCCA Training & Gear
Early-Bird Access to Brand-New Training & Gear
Discounts from Industry Partners
Platinum Membership
$30/month or $347 annually
Legal Protection
Civil Defense & Damages Protection: $1,000,000
Criminal Defense, Bail Bond Funding & Attorney Retainer: $150,000
24/7/365 Critical Response Team
Your Choice of Criminal Defense Attorney
Up-Front Funding for Criminal Defense & Bail Bonds
Protection for Use of All Legal Weapons
Concealed Carry Magazine
Print + Digital Subscription
5 Year Archive Online Access to Back Issues
CCW Reciprocity Map With Permit Expiration Reminders
Member-Only USCCA App Features
Weekly updates on news, changing laws and gear reviews
10 Lifesaving Checklists
30 Digital Guides and eBooks
Interactive “Ask An Attorney” Monthly Webinar
Weekly Training Drills
Live Training Broadcasts
Nationwide USCCA Certified Instructor Network Access
Proving Ground Training Series and Situational Awareness Online Videos
Community Giving Program
24/7 Access to Expert Member Services Team
Free Daily Entry to USCCA Concealed Carry Expo and advanced entry
Spouse Membership Discount
Carry Confidence Kit
Member-Only Discounts on USCCA Training & Gear
Early-Bird Access to Brand-New Training & Gear
Discounts from Industry Partners
Elite Membership
$47 monthly; $497 annual
Legal Protection
Civil Defense & Damages Protection: $2,000,000
Criminal Defense, Bail Bond Funding & Attorney Retainer: $250,000
24/7/365 Critical Response Team
Your Choice of Criminal Defense Attorney
Up-Front Funding for Criminal Defense & Bail Bonds
Protection for Use of All Legal Weapons
Concealed Carry Magazine
Complete Print + Digital Subscription
Lifetime Archive Online Access to Back Issues
CCW Reciprocity Map With Permit Expiration Reminders
Member-Only USCCA App Features
Weekly updates on news, changing laws and gear reviews
10 Lifesaving Checklists
70 Digital Guides and eBooks
Interactive “Ask An Attorney” Monthly Webinar and archive access
Weekly Training Drills
Live Training Broadcasts
Nationwide USCCA Certified Instructor Network Access
Proving Ground Training Series, Situational Awareness and When To Use Deadly Force Online Videos
eLearning Training Systems: Concealed Carry & Home Defense Fundamentals and Emergency First Aid Fundamentals
Community Giving Program
24/7 Access to Expert Member Services Team
Free Daily Entry to USCCA Concealed Carry Expo, advanced entry and VIP Experience
Spouse Membership Discount
Carry Confidence Kit
Member-Only Discounts on USCCA Training & Gear
Early-Bird Access to Brand-New Training & Gear
Discounts from Industry Partners
Elite Concierge Line
Armed Citizens Legal Defense Network (ACLDN)
Self-Defense Insurance - Armed Citizens Legal Defense
There are some weighty names from legal, self-defense and firearms areas at your disposal with the organization. In turn, you have some true firepower if you go to trial. Right off the bat, with Armed Citizens’ Legal Defense Network you get up to $25,000 for bail and $25,000 for an attorney, of your choice, for both criminal and civil cases. As legal proceedings go on, the network can provide more monetary support for criminal, civil, appeals and retrials. Furthermore, it’s an inexpensive organization to become a part of, $135 your first year and $95 per year after.
ACLDN is not an insurance plan – it’s a pre-paid legal service – so its coverage isn’t as extensive as many others. It doesn’t cover civil damages or compensation while you’re in court or firearm loss protection. Additionally, further monetary support, past the initial $25,000, goes through a review board before it’s awarded. And there’s no tiering to the program – it’s one-size-fits-all.
$135 Initial 1-year Membership; $95 1-year Renewal
Legal Resources
Up to $25,000 paid to the member's attorney by the Network if the member has been involved in a self-defense incident
Further grants may be available
Up to $25,000 to post bail on behalf of a member who has used force in self-defense
Access to Network’s affiliate lawyers
Case review by network’s experts
Access to Network’s expert witnesses
Other Resources
Eight-DVD set of lectures explaining the use of deadly force for self-defense, the legal aftermath of using a gun in self-defense, and how attorneys prepare the court case defending one who used deadly force in self-defense.
Monthly journal
U.S. Law Shield
Self-Defense Insurance - US Law Shield
What you get for the price of the plan is among the biggest selling points of U.S. Law Shield (originally known as Texas Law Shield). Essentially, there is no cap on the coverage of legal fees, both for criminal and civil proceedings. This is incredible peace of mind, given how quickly those expenses add up. For $10.95 monthly payments and $19.95 set up fee, that’s a lot of coverage. No wonder the Texas-based program has some 235,000-plus members and keeps growing.
First and foremost, you have to use an attorney from their network that they choose. This is potentially a turn off for many, with good reason. In all likelihood, this will be the most important lawyer you’ll ever hire and you’ll have little on who it is. The other issue, many of the coverage areas that come standard in other polices are add-ons, geographically limited or are unavailable. A good example, nationwide coverage costs another $2.95 a month, which may or may not make a difference to you. Finally, the plan is only available in 44 states, residents of Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, New York and Rhode Island are excluded from purchase.
Individual $10.95 monthly/$131.40 annual; Two Adults $21.90 monthly/$240 annual
Legal Resources
No cap on attorney fees criminal and civil
24/7/365 access to Attorney-Answered Emergency Hotline
Non-emergency access to independent program attorneys
Option to purchase Bail Bond and Expert Witness add-on coverage
CCW Safe
CCW Safe Concealed Carry Insurance
No cap for criminal and civil legal defense, both covered up front, is the most eye-catching aspect of the CCW Safe plan. Up to $100,000 in bail bond protection doesn’t hurt either. These are generally the meat and potatoes of any concealed carry insurance program and this one has them in spades. In addition to that, the plan has up to $1 million of civil damage protection through their basic permit-holder plan. CCW Safe also offers a multitude of options, including policies for constitutional carry states, home-defense and active and retired law enforcement. Note, the coverage differs plan to plan, so read the fine print.
While the plans overall are among the most comprehensive, there are a few cravats. You can choose your attorney, however, they must be vetted by CCW Safe first – this may or may not be a con, depending on how you look at it. The constitutional carry plan only works in your state, so your naked once you cross the state line. And there are certain conditions CCW Safe spell out up front that will negate your policy, such as the use of force against a family member or someone in your residence with your permission.
Protector Plan
$149 annual
Retired/Active Military and Law Enforcement with a concealed carry permit
Legal Resources
Access to our 24-hour emergency hotline
Critical Response Team on site
$500,000 bail coverage
Vetting of Attorneys by National Trial Counsel
Unlimited Attorney fees covered up front
Unlimited Investigators covered up front
Unlimited Expert Witnesses covered up front
All trial fees covered up front
Firearm Replacement during trial
Spouse and children under 18 covered in home only
Up to $250 a day work loss while in criminal or civil trial
Up to 10 sessions (up to $4k) for a licensed counselor
Up to $3k for crime scene clean-up home
Appeals and expungements covered
Add Ons
Spouse $100
$1MM bail coverage $50
$1MM dedicated civil liability $220
Defender Plan
$179 annual
Valid Carry Permit
Legal Resources
Access to our 24-hour emergency hotline
Critical Response Team on site
$500,000 bail coverage
Vetting of Attorneys by National Trial Counsel
Unlimited Attorney fees covered up front
Unlimited Investigators covered up front
Unlimited Expert Witnesses covered up front
All Trial Costs covered up front
Firearm Replacement during trial
Up to $250 a day work loss while in criminal or civil trial
Up to 10 sessions (up to $4k) for a licensed counselor
Up to $3k for crime scene clean-up home
Appeals and expungement covered
Add Ons
Spouse $100
$1MM bail coverage $50
$1MM dedicated civil liability $220
Constitutional Carry
$299 annual
Constitutional Carry States
Legal Resources
Access to our 24-hour emergency hotline
Attorney fees
Investigators fees
Appeals and Firearm Replacement during trial
Up to $250 a day work loss while in criminal or civil trial
Up to 10 sessions (up to $4k) for a licensed counselor
Up to $3k for crime scene clean-up home
Home Defense
$299 annual
In-Home Coverage For You And Family
Legal Resources
Access to our 24-hour emergency hotline
Attorney fees
Investigators fees
Appeals and Firearm Replacement during trial
Up to $250 a day work loss while in criminal or civil trial
Up to 10 sessions (up to $4k) for a licensed counselor
Up to $3k for crime scene clean-up home
$399 annual
active, retired, and former law enforcement officers that meet the requirements for the Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act (LEOSA)
Legal Resources
Coverage for Criminal, Civil and Administrative Actions
Access to our 24-hour emergency hotline
Critical Response Team on site
$1Million bail coverage
Vetting of Attorneys by National Trial Counsel
Unlimited Attorney fees covered up front
Unlimited Investigators covered up front
Unlimited Expert Witnesses covered up front
All trial fees covered up front
Firearm Replacement during trial
Spouse and children under 18 covered in home only
Up to $250 a day work loss while in criminal or civil trial
Up to 10 sessions (up to $4k) for a licensed counselor
Up to $3k for crime scene clean-up home
Appeals and expungements covered
Dedicated $1MM Civil Liability coverage
Second Call Defense
Of all the options, Second Call Defense perhaps offers the widest spectrum of tiering. You can get in their entry-level plan for $9.95 a month or choose their “Cadillac” plan for $34.95 per month. The top-tier plan is fairly comprehensive, offering $100,000 of coverage for criminal defense attorney fees and $1,000,000 for civil. Furthermore, in the top-end plan, you’re eligible for up to $250,000 in civil damage protection.
The entry-level plan is pretty close to “better than nothing.” It doesn’t cover any legal fees pertaining to a civil case against you, and is very limited in its criminal defense – $10,000 toward your attorney fees, $2,000 for a retainer and $1,000 for bail bond. Is that worth $10 per month? You’ll have to decide that for yourself.
$9.95 monthly; $119 annual
Insurance Protection
Criminal Defense Protection – $10,000
Financial Support
Immediate Cash for Bond – $1,000
Immediate Attorney Retainer – $2,000
Rapid Response Team
24/7 Emergency Legal Hotline
Personal Crisis Manager
Nationwide Attorney Network Access
Local Attorney Referral within 24 hours
Emergency Contact Notification
Training & Education
Member Newsletter
Self Defense News
Add Ons
Spouse $48 annual
$14.95 monthly; $179 annual
Insurance Protection
Civil Suit Defense Protection – $500,000
Civil Suit Damages Protection – $50,000
Criminal Defense Protection – $50,000
Financial Support
Immediate Cash for Bond – $5,000
Immediate Attorney Retainer – $5,000
Aftermath Cleanup – $1,000
Compensation While in Court – $250/day
Rapid Response Team
24/7 Emergency Legal Hotline
Personal Crisis Manager
Nationwide Attorney Network Access
Local Attorney Referral within 24 hours
Emergency Contact Notification
Expert Witness Coordination
Gun Retrieval or Replacement
Psychological Support7 – 20 sessions
On-Site Assistance
Training & Education
Member Newsletter
Self Defense News
Online Training
Add Ons
Spouse $60
$34.95 monthly; $399 annual
Insurance Protection
Civil Suit Defense Protection – $1,000,000
Civil Suit Damages Protection – $250,000
Criminal Defense Protection – $100,000
Financial Support
Immediate Cash for Bond4 – $25,000
Immediate Attorney Retainer – $10,000
Aftermath Cleanup – $2,000
Compensation While in Court – $500/day
Rapid Response Team
24/7 Emergency Legal Hotline
Personal Crisis Manager
Nationwide Attorney Network Access
Local Attorney Referral within 24 hours
Emergency Contact Notification
Expert Witness Coordination
Gun Retrieval or Replacement
Psychological Support – 40 sessions
On-Site Assistance
Training & Education
Member Newsletter
Self Defense News
Online Training
Add Ons
Spouse $80 annual
Ultimate Plus
$54.95 monthly; $599 annual
Insurance Protection
Civil Suit Defense Protection – $1,500,000
Civil Suit Damages Protection – $300,000
Criminal Defense Protection – $150,000
Financial Support
Immediate Cash for Bond4 – $25,000
Immediate Attorney Retainer – $10,000
Aftermath Cleanup – $2,000
Compensation While in Court – $500/day
Rapid Response Team
24/7 Emergency Legal Hotline
Personal Crisis Manager
Nationwide Attorney Network Access
Local Attorney Referral within 24 hours
Emergency Contact Notification
Expert Witness Coordination
Gun Retrieval or Replacement
Psychological Support – 40 sessions
On-Site Assistance
Training & Education
Member Newsletter
Self Defense News
Online Training
Add Ons
Spouse $108 annual
Firearms Legal Protection
A bit overshadowed by some of the larger players, Firearms Legal Protection nonetheless offers impressive coverage. Again, a tiered program, FLP allows armed citizens to choose a plan that best fits their budget and needs. And as far as entry-level options go, they offer an impressive one: uncapped attorney fees for civil and criminal defense for $12.95 a month. As you go up the ladder, the more expensive plans offer some of the total coverage many look for, such as firearm loss protection, compensation while in court and the choice of your own attorney. Also, an interesting and timely twist, all FLP plans cover against Extreme Risk Protection Order, or “Red Flag” laws, accusations.
As far as the entry-level program is concerned, it’s only applicable to a self-defense event that happens in your state. You can get nationwide coverage, however, you’ll have to spend more. Also, it’s presently only available in 30 states, so Firearms Legal Protection is somewhat limited geographically.
Basic Individual
$12.95 monthly; $139 annual
Coverage for one person in their home state.
Legal Resources
Uncapped attorney fees for defense for criminal and civil cases
24/7 emergency hotline
Extreme Risk Protection Order Coverage
Premium Individual
$21.95 monthly; $239 annual
Multi-State Coverage
Legal Resources
Uncapped attorney fees for defense for criminal and civil cases
24/7 emergency hotline
Extreme Risk Protection Order Coverage
Bail bond protection up to $250,000
Expert witness/investigator fees
Lost wages reimbursement
Firearm confiscation payment
Incident scene clean-up fee
My FLP mobile app
Premium Family
$39.95 monthly; $399 annual
Multi-state comprehensive coverage for member, spouse and minor children
Legal Resources
Uncapped attorney fees for defense for criminal and civil cases
24/7 emergency hotline
Extreme Risk Protection Order Coverage
Bail bond protection up to $250,000
Expert witness/investigator fees
Minor children coverage
Lost wages reimbursement
Firearm confiscation payment
Incident scene clean-up fee
My FLP mobile app
That, essentially, is what each of these self-defense insurance plans offer: an advocate rather than just a public defender who might, or might not, have a full grasp of self-defense, much less any sympathy for an armed citizen. It might come as no shock at all to many people, but not all attorneys sympathize with gun owners who fire in self-defense.
People can take their chances with a public defender, or they can rely on the experts associated with these self-defense insurance membership programs. Clearly, a lot of thought went into each of these efforts, and the ultimate beneficiary is the armed citizen.