Author Topic: Here Piggie, Piggie  (Read 460 times)

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Here Piggie, Piggie
« on: February 26, 2004, 03:25:38 PM »
Plan was to go wait out some piggys this Friday and Saturday. Want to try three new pig getters. Was going to get the first with my Canon EOS 10D (digital camera), second was going to be a new SBHH in .41RemMag and the third was to be whacked with a very brand new (picked it up last Friday) S/W 657PC. That WAS the plan before Mother Nature decided the dump up to 14 inches of the white stuff on us here in the sand hills of NC. Now I know to some of you hunters 14 inches of snow is no more than primer for the REAL stuff but for us here it brought us to a standstill. So I guess the piggys are safe for another few weeks. Buy the time I get to dance with the piggys I'll have gnawed off my trigger finger from the itch. Sure is nice to have some new toys just waiting to be played with but it sure is hard waiting for the time.
Love those .41s'