Author Topic: glass bedding forearm stock on h&r handi rifle  (Read 1974 times)

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Offline josebd

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glass bedding forearm stock on h&r handi rifle
« on: February 27, 2004, 02:29:07 AM »
is there a website on how to do this,or can somebody help me on this?

Offline gunnut69

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glass bedding forearm stock on h&r hand
« Reply #1 on: February 27, 2004, 08:45:34 AM »
I can surely try.  Do you have any idea what you want to accomplish.  I usually advise a pad at the front and rear with the area around the screw recessed to allow it to pull down with the screw tension.  This put tension of the forearm and helps stiffen the barrel.  Usually helps with poor accuracy.  If the rifle shoots well but you just want it to stay put(the zero) I simply bed the entire forearm to the barrel.  In any case I prefer AccraGlass jel.  It gets hard but won't shatter and the jel lets it stay where it's put..  I use paste wax as release agent much prefering it to the film type provided with the kit from Brownells.  Use non-hardening modeling clay to build a dam to keep the bedding material where it needs to be and be very, very, very, VERY sure all metal surfaces are coated with the release agent.  If poring pads a thin roll of modeling clay laid across the barrel channel will keep the bedding from running away.  Put the first about 1/2 inch behind the forearm tip, with about a 1 inch pad.  The rear pad is also about 1 inch long.  The electrical tape is used to space the forearm away from the barrel(onkly on the bottom of the barrel channel).   The screw can be used to attach the forearm after the bedding material is installed or surgical tubing can be wrapped around the barrel/forearm assembly to hold everything in place to set up.   The screw is the best option usually.  A gap of from 1/16 to a bit more is all that's needed.  The finish on the inside of the forearm must be removed prior to this process and any areas not bedded must be recoated after the job is finished.  The entire outer surface of the forearm should be covered with masking tape as the bedding compound will destroy the finish if they come in contact.  Remove about 1/4 of the pored pads in a groove in the very bottom of the barrel channel.  This forms 'V' blocks which encourage uniformitty in the barrel/forearm fit.  When poring the material put a thin coat on the area of the barrel to be contacted by the bedding and and the area where the pad is to be in the forearm.  Pour the rest of the material in a ridge in the middle of the forearm area.  When the barrel is installed it will contact the ridge first and as the ridge is flattened by the barrel it will push the air ahead of the bedding avoiding air bubbles in the finished pad.   If you have questions please ask.  Remember accraglass can be a very powerful 'glue' if not properly used.
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Offline josebd

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glass bedding forearm stock on h&r hand
« Reply #2 on: February 27, 2004, 11:31:30 AM »
i sanded the channel to where it had some clearance,i tried the rubber washer thing it didnt work,so i guesse i need to bed the whole forearm

Offline josebd

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glass bedding forearm stock on h&r hand
« Reply #3 on: February 29, 2004, 01:23:04 PM »
so what do i do where the screw hole is? i have the tang that slides into the stock,do i put puddy in the reccessed grove? do i take the barrel off when i bed it?

Offline gunnut69

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glass bedding forearm stock on h&r hand
« Reply #4 on: February 29, 2004, 07:10:57 PM »
The screw hole will have the screw in it to retain the forearm.  The screw of course will be completely covered with the release agent(wax).  The 'tang' that slides into the forearm will also be waxed so the bedding can't bond to it.  Also waxed will be the barrel and the action.  Wax carefully any area that may come in contact with bedding compound except the wood we want it to stick to.  A bit of the modeling clay rolled into a wire like shape can be layed in the barrel channel to keep the bedding from going where it's not wanted, such as bach into the action area.  Be sure to wax the hole where the forearm screw goes also.  The forearm iron should be on the forestock and the weapon assembled when the forearm is bedded.  If you don't want the bedding to stick to it, wax it. But rough up the barrel channel a bit so the bedding can get a really good bite there..  Initial clean up of the bedding is done while the material is still a bit rubbery.  After the bedding has set, the material over the forearm iron will be removed and the iron taken off and cleaned.  Usually we remove enough wood so that about 1/16 inch of bedding can be accreted without altering the visible fit of the forearm to the barreled action.
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Offline josebd

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glass bedding forearm stock on h&r hand
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2004, 04:32:07 AM »
well i got the forearm stock bedded,now i just have to wait a few days to let it cure,then ill see how it groups again.

Offline gunnut69

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glass bedding forearm stock on h&r hand
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2004, 07:17:04 PM »
Good luck!!  Keep us up to speed..
The 2nd amendment to the constitution of the United States of America-
"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

Offline josebd

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glass bedding forearm stock on h&r hand
« Reply #7 on: March 05, 2004, 09:45:04 AM »
i glass bedded the stock and tried it out,i could only shoot about 45 yards because the wind is blowing right to left 20 -30 where i have my bench,it grouped within a inch with 40 grain sierra hollow points,better with 55 grainsv- max

Offline KYRick

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« Reply #8 on: March 20, 2004, 01:21:07 AM »
Hey Guys,
Could someone post a picture of the completed forearm after bedding.  I'm reading about it but just cant seem to visualize it.  I would really appreciate it.

Offline ken s

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« Reply #9 on: March 22, 2004, 06:19:21 PM »
hey ky RICK.
      me too me too picture/picture
                    ken s :D  :lol: