Well, Mr. Greenspan has again stated the obvious; Social Security will soon be running up against the baby boom retirement bomb. This is not news.
My thought on this matter is that the Democrats are always quick to take full credit for the Social Security program and deservedly so, but I believe it should be on them to come up with the way to fix it. The Republicans should not have to take the political heat that is sure to come, when this mudhole is filled.
Q: Which party took Social Security from an independent fund and put it in the general fund so that Congress could spend it?
A: It was Lyndon Johnson and the Democratic-controlled House and Senate.
Q: Which party put a tax on Social Security?
A: The Democratic party.
Q: Which party increased the tax on Social Security?
A: The Democratic Party with Al Gore casting the deciding vote.
Q: Which party decided to give Social Security money to immigrants?
A: That's right, immigrants moved into this country and at 65 got SSI and Social Security. The Democratic Party gave that to them although they never paid a dime into it.
Then, after doing all this, the Democrats turn around and tell you the Republicans want to take your Social Security. And the worst part about it is, people believe it!