Must be a southern thing GB. I think we grew up eating a little different than our northern or western friends.
That mix of cheese and mayo has to be just right. My wife made some yesterday, and I ate it,but not the same.I'll make the next batch. Not enough pimentos either.But don't let her know. Woman never was good at taking criticism.
And she's a yankee. Born in central Mo. Can't make good cornbread,but her white bread is downright delicious.
Another thing I'm cravin is a good strawberry pie with homemade whip cream. I had a bakery here in Oreggoon make one for me, and it was terrible. I asked.....How in the hull did you mess a simple strawberry pie up? I found out they added rhubarb to it. Puckered me up so bad,I looked like an asian carp eatin mulberry's. Rhubarb in a strawberry pie?
? What were they thinking.