GBO is a Field of Dreams. Change is difficult and inevitable.
"If You Build It He Will Come". The "old site" is under reconstruction (yesterday, today, and maybe tomorrow - the end date is unknown). In that, the old site is "down" until further notice. I suspect that traffic here will increase, if only temporarily, for those that can find "here", as well as I am certain that some members will find "here" to be "better" than "there" after their latest software is implemented.
I believe they said their new software will be more "user friendly" (from a certain perspective) across a greater percentage of current Interweb accessing platforms (tablets, iPhones, tower computers, etc., and browsers too, Windows, Linux, Mac, etc.). We shall see. I primarily use a tower PC, monitor, and keypad. Ten finger typing is still accepted - for now.
I can't say what change(s) will occur on the old site (for the 2nd and perhaps 3rd time for some of us). I won't know until you know, so we'll learn together.
"Ease His Pain". I know I was not entirely happy with the late 2010's modifications of the old site. After some grumbling, I got used to the changes, figured it out through some headaches, and wrote tutorials.
"Go The Distance". After these new changes I will continue to use the old site. I may not be as pragmatic about writing new tutorials - though that, as a Moderator, is "what I do". I don't think that change is bad, just confounding and confusing. It gets easier over time.
Do you remember the days BEFORE the Internet, before iPhones, before email (when you had NO CLUE what that was or how to use it), before Microsoft, before Macintosh, before Word Processing, before Excel (or Lotus 1-2-3) spreadsheets, or before computers took over ALL human interactions? Necessity IS the Mother of Invention.