skoutfitter, Got my new Handi Sportster in .22 Mag last week. Shoots Winchester Supremes (Black Box) best, $7.95 a box, 45 grains. Next best and only a breaths difference is the CCI Maxi Mags at $5.95 a box, 45 grains. Almost the exact same POI!! Great shooters. The $5.95 HP's for fun and small stuff and the $7.95 jacketed for larger varmits and serious competition. The CCI Maxi-Mags+V's at $5.95 (unknown Grain weight) look promising but shot to such a different POI I did not even get them on the paper at 50 yards the first time out. I will try again but the gun is sighted in now for 2" high at 50 yards and dead on at 100 yards with the Maxi-Mags and Supremes (Black Box). I love the gun and caliber so far, It's fun to shoot and I am sure you will like it also....<><.... :grin: