Hello, bornhunting, yes, I bet your ear`s were burning, cause you be right. Me and old Roy, we be talking about you, cause we were finding out just how old we was. To bad you couldnt have been , hiding in the weed`s watching us two old grumpy men dig that hole. Better yet if you had a videoed us, you would have made a lot of money, LOL. But kidding aside, It is a solid idea, and I`m sure once that feed get`s to smelling, it will work great.
The bucket sound`s real good and I will try it. It will be easier on our old men back`s, LOL. I did go down and get me some sweet cattle feed, to rake in to the corn under the deer feeder`s. Me and old Roy going to do that this Sunday. And (hey John out there) If you be reading this post, you can come and help us,LOL. Maybe we can trade a hog, for some of them big catfish you been catching.
Hey bornhunting, if you happen to have a drawing of a hog, trap, you could send me that would be appreciated. A picture is worth a thousand words. And I thank you for your information.
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