Author Topic: HOG BAIT  (Read 3699 times)

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Offline Bornhuntin

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« on: January 03, 2003, 10:44:06 AM »
Dig a hole about 20" in diameter. Fill half way with milo and poor a couple of 2 liter bottles of rootbeer or big red soft drink. Something sweet. place a 1/4" piece of plywood over the concoction in the hole and cover with dirt. It tends to drive them crazy. They will dig like mad to get to it. It is cheaper and longer lasting than store bought hog attractants. :money:
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Offline coug2wolfs

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« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2003, 04:23:31 PM »
We don't bait em up here, but I got me a looney friend down south that does.  He also digs a hole, puts a mix of whole corn and grape jello in the hole an covers it up.  He sez they root it up looks like a dozer went diggin :lol:

Once they know it's there, why you just set up and blow em away as they come in!


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Offline markc

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« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2003, 03:59:02 PM »
Generally corn from a bag is all you need,  but what I have foound to work as good or better, is cattle sweet feed.  We buuyy a 05 lb bag and the sweet smell really does attract them.   markc :-)

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« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2003, 03:33:07 AM »
That was suppossed to be a 50# bag of sweet feed not a 05# bag of feed.   It does work though.

Offline Zachary

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« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2003, 04:53:36 PM »
In Texas we use corn too, but the problem is that the deer come in and eat it before the hogs come in.  As such, many people pour diesel fuel on the corn - the deer stay away from it, but the hogs have no problem eating it. (But I have a tough time trying to digest an animal that ate diesel covered anything. :? )

Other attractants that work well are apples and bananas.  Those hogs can smell those apples and bananas a mile away.  You can also use various sweets, like left over pastries, danishes, dough nuts, etc.

But the best attractant I have ever used is HONEY!  I usually buy it in bulk.  Those hogs just go CRAZY over it.


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« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2003, 10:56:37 AM »
Quote from: Bornhuntin
Dig a hole about 20" in diameter. Fill half way with milo and poor a couple of 2 liter bottles of rootbeer or big red soft drink. Something sweet. place a 1/4" piece of plywood over the concoction in the hole and cover with dirt. It tends to drive them crazy. They will dig like mad to get to it. It is cheaper and longer lasting than store bought hog attractants. :money:

  Hello Bornhuntin;
I got a question, I liked your bait idea, but why cover it up with the plywood? Does it keep the rain out or dirt out or what?
  I killed a big hog last saturday,  it was just pure luck, I was sitting on a creek bank and they came by. He weighed 650 lbs and 6 inch tusk showing with about 3 or 4 inches broke off. But I would like to bait them, and I`m going to try your receipt, but I would like to know what the polywood has to do with it.  I thought that you might like to see a Picture of this "porker".  He is a cross between a Ferrell hog and a Russian.  :-D
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Offline Bornhuntin

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Hog Bait
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2003, 08:09:52 PM »
Bullet Maker,

Congratulations on a fine Hog. Right place right time. I love it when a plan comes together like that.  

  The plywood is solely to make it harder for the hogs to get to the bait. They will dig down trying to get to the smell coming from the ground and the plywood acts as a barrier to slow them down. I have seen them root up a 3 to 4 ft area trying to get past it. The more they linger trying to get to the bait the longer they stay in the area. With their mind on digging up a free meal it will give you more chances to slip a bullet into their boiler room.
I have drawn up a simple diagram of my pit. If you  would like, I will email you a crude drawing, keeping in mind I am no artist.
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hog baiting
« Reply #7 on: January 28, 2003, 06:31:24 AM »
Thank`s Bornhunting for the explaination of the plywood use. I understand now. What I`m going to do, after reading all the input from the other hunters, is alittle of both. I went and bought me a 100 lbs of corn. and one big bottle of rootbeer and one big bottle of strawberry. I bought the cheap kind, 69cents for a two liter bottel.
  Now I`m going to dig two holes about 25ft apart and use root beer in one and the strawberry in the other :idea3: I`ll post my results when I see what happens.
   The one I killed last week that I wrote about, was just plain luck. But now I`ll try baiting them and see how it works. I got a big tower stand overlooking my pond where I`ve seen tracks before and that`s where I`m going to bait and wait :toast: thanks for the information.
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Re: Hog Bait
« Reply #8 on: January 28, 2003, 06:35:23 AM »
Quote from: Bornhuntin
Bullet Maker,

Congratulations on a fine Hog. Right place right time. I love it when a plan comes together like that.  

  The plywood is solely to make it harder for the hogs to get to the bait. They will dig down trying to get to the smell coming from the ground and the plywood acts as a barrier to slow them down. I have seen them root up a 3 to 4 ft area trying to get past it. The more they linger trying to get to the bait the longer they stay in the area. With their mind on digging up a free meal it will give you more chances to slip a bullet into their boiler room.
I have drawn up a simple diagram of my pit. If you  would like, I will email you a crude drawing, keeping in mind I am no artist.
Hi bornhuntin, I forgot to tell you that yes I would like your drawing of you set up to get the hogs. and thanks again, my e-mail is
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Re: Hog Bait
« Reply #9 on: January 29, 2003, 07:15:26 AM »
Quote from: bullet maker
Quote from: Bornhuntin
Bullet Maker,

Congratulations on a fine Hog. Right place right time. I love it when a plan comes together like that.  

  The plywood is solely to make it harder for the hogs to get to the bait. They will dig down trying to get to the smell coming from the ground and the plywood acts as a barrier to slow them down. I have seen them root up a 3 to 4 ft area trying to get past it. The more they linger trying to get to the bait the longer they stay in the area. With their mind on digging up a free meal it will give you more chances to slip a bullet into their boiler room.
I have drawn up a simple diagram of my pit. If you  would like, I will email you a crude drawing, keeping in mind I am no artist.
Hi bornhuntin, I forgot to tell you that yes I would like your drawing of you set up to get the hogs. and thanks again, my e-mail is
Thanks Bornhuntin, I got the e-mail yesterday and it came through fine. Now all I got to do is go down and do it. I`ll keep you posted .
thanks again
bullet maker :D
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Offline The Trap Maker

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« Reply #10 on: January 30, 2003, 05:33:27 AM »
SWEET STUFF/ CORN     I use sweet stuff and corn mix.... The cheapest sweet livestock feed you can buy.... take a 5 gal. plastic bucket and a 6" plywood disk. A 1/4" steel rod about 2  :twisted: ft. long..... drill a hole in the center of the bucket for the rod to go through at least 1"to 1 1/4" .... drill several 5/8" holes in a round pattern just inside the diameter of the 6" disk in the bottom of the bucket..... Attach the wooden disk to one end of the steel rod.....drop the rod in the bucket so the disk is resting on the bottom of the bucket..... ya got it......hang it from a tree and put a little bait under the hanging bucket, filler her up with bait.... the hog will find it and every time the hog hits the steel rod a little bait will fall out...  I do a lot of hog trapping and this is how I get them to one spot EVERY DAY..... TheTrap Maker

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Trap Maker
« Reply #11 on: January 30, 2003, 01:52:30 PM »
Quote from: Trap Maker
SWEET STUFF/ CORN     I use sweet stuff and corn mix.... The cheapest sweet livestock feed you can buy.... take a 5 gal. plastic bucket and a 6" plywood disk. A 1/4" steel rod about 2  :twisted: ft. long..... drill a hole in the center of the bucket for the rod to go through at least 1"to 1 1/4" .... drill several 5/8" holes in a round pattern just inside the diameter of the 6" disk in the bottom of the bucket..... Attach the wooden disk to one end of the steel rod.....drop the rod in the bucket so the disk is resting on the bottom of the bucket..... ya got it......hang it from a tree and put a little bait under the hanging bucket, filler her up with bait.... the hog will find it and every time the hog hits the steel rod a little bait will fall out...  I do a lot of hog trapping and this is how I get them to one spot EVERY DAY..... TheTrap Maker
Thanks for the information, I`ll give it a try, I like them all. I`m in a hot spot and competing with the Public Hunting crowd, so I`ll try them all.
   Say Trap Maker, you don`t have drawings for a regular , handmade walk in trap do ya? LIke the size that would catch a dog or big cat?
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Offline Zachary

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« Reply #12 on: January 31, 2003, 05:21:11 AM »
The idea about having two separate holes some distance apart with different sodas sounds like a good idea.  I'm interested in learning which flavor they like best. :grin:


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« Reply #13 on: January 31, 2003, 08:41:26 AM »
Quote from: Zachary
The idea about having two separate holes some distance apart with different sodas sounds like a good idea.  I'm interested in learning which flavor they like best. :grin:

:-) I`ll let you know, I`ve got to go back to the store today, I didn`t get enough of the soda, I was suppose to put 2 two lite bottles in each hole, and I only bought one for each. That will teach me to read the instruction better. I`ll keep everyone posted. :D
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Hog feed traps experiments
« Reply #14 on: February 19, 2003, 12:02:24 PM »
Hello everybody :D
   I dug a hole like bornhunting told me and with the diagrams he sent me. The hole digging about wore me and old friend of mine out. We put about 25 lbs of corn and then poured 2 bottles of 2 lite straberry on it. Put the lid on and covered it up with dirt. Nothing has touched it as of yet, but then again it may not have fermented enough either. Were still checking it out.
   Now the second hole was done about 200 yards away at a pond of mine. We didnt want to do no more digging so we just dumpled the bag, 25 lbs of corn in a big rut, we made in the mud with our 4 wheelers, and then poured the 2 bolttles of 2 liter root beer in that hole. 4 days later the hole was tore up and all the feed is gone with lots of hog tracks around.
   I know its not a fair comparison, cause one hole was deeper than the other, and the first hole was filled in when the second was left open.How ever there was hog tracks, around both holes even though they were 200 yards apart.
   No we didn`t get a shot cause we were`nt at the holes when they came by. But we are going to do the same experiment and put game cameras on them this time. Nothing is conclusive at this point.
bullet maker :idea:
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Offline Zachary

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« Reply #15 on: February 20, 2003, 03:39:25 AM »
The game cameras do sound like a great idea.  This way you can have an idea of what time of day the hogs are coming to the holes!


Offline Bornhuntin

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Hog BAit
« Reply #16 on: February 20, 2003, 08:31:05 PM »
Bullet Maker,

  You can shorten the Pig to Pit time by prefermenting 25lbs at a time in clean 5 gallon paint buckets w/lids. Fill bucket w/milo to within a couple inches of the top. Fill to top with 2 bottles sweet soda with as much water as needed to fill. Cover and place in a cool place for 2 weeks. It sure stinks doing it this way, but works a whole lot faster.

  I hope you did not cuss me to bad while you two were digging.  :-D
Let me know where to send the Doans backache pills.
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hog baiting
« Reply #17 on: February 21, 2003, 03:57:58 AM »
Hello, bornhunting, yes, I bet your ear`s were burning, cause you be right. Me and old Roy, we be talking about you, cause we were finding out just how old we was. To bad you couldnt have been , hiding in the weed`s watching us two old grumpy men dig that hole. Better yet if you had a videoed us, you would have made a lot of money, LOL. But kidding aside, It is a solid idea, and I`m sure once that feed get`s to smelling, it will work great.
   The bucket sound`s real good and I will try it. It will be easier on our old men back`s, LOL. I did go down and get me some sweet cattle feed, to rake in to the corn under the deer feeder`s. Me and old Roy going to do that this Sunday. And (hey John out there) If you be reading this post, you can come and help us,LOL. Maybe we can trade a hog, for some of them big catfish you been catching.
  Hey bornhunting, if you happen to have a drawing of a hog, trap, you could send me that would be appreciated. A picture is worth a thousand words. And I thank you for your information.
bullet maker :D
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Offline ben gordon

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« Reply #18 on: February 21, 2003, 05:20:48 AM »
Bulletmaker, has a video and other info on making traps.

Ol John will do all that manual labor stuff for you, he's good at it and likes it.  Believe he even has a sign he carries sometimes  says he'll work for hogs.

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« Reply #19 on: February 21, 2003, 07:35:53 AM »
Yep, diggin a hole ain't no step fer a stepper. I just got finished with one big enough for a medium sized stray dog, and an old cat that some damn city folk dumped out here a while back, even had room for a new rose bush. I figure the compost I tossed in there and the pile of dead animals should grow some prize winners.

Bullet maker, I been thinkin about slippin around some off to the west of ya in the next few days. I'll stop by and say howdy iffn I get up that way.

You usin post hole diggers?
Hey, hold my beer and watch this.

Offline Bornhuntin

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hog bait
« Reply #20 on: February 21, 2003, 03:06:36 PM »
Bullet Maker,

    I never said it would be easy. I will feel your pain, just as soon as I stop laughing. You know I would have dug the hole for ya if I had been there.:D

It sounds to me like John might be better than backhoe, around diggin time.
Ben Gordon's recommendation on is as good as any and better than most for designing and building hog traps.
Let me know how all this mess turns out.  
Tell Roy I said howdy!!!!!
"To ride, shoot straight and speak the truth.
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diging hole
« Reply #21 on: February 21, 2003, 03:14:30 PM »
Quote from: ben gordon
Bulletmaker, has a video and other info on making traps.

Ol John will do all that manual labor stuff for you, he's good at it and likes it.  Believe he even has a sign he carries sometimes  says he'll work for hogs.

  Hi Ben;
Talked to John tonight, on the phone, but don`t think he took my hint, or maybe he did and just playing opossum.LOL.  He said he gonna go look for some bacon in the back forty.
  By the way Ben, that web site you gave me is excellent. I been on it all evening doing a buch of down loading. Thanks.
bullet maker :D
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Re: hog bait
« Reply #22 on: February 21, 2003, 03:21:13 PM »
Quote from: Bornhuntin
Bullet Maker,

    I never said it would be easy. I will feel your pain, just as soon as I stop laughing. You know I would have dug the hole for ya if I had been there.:D

It sounds to me like John might be better than backhoe, around diggin time.
Ben Gordon's recommendation on is as good as any and better than most for designing and building hog traps.
Let me know how all this mess turns out.  
Tell Roy I said howdy!!!!!

Howdy Bornhuntin;
   It was a mighty work out for two old fat balding guys.But we got it done. But now thats ok you dont have to feel to bad, cause there still more to dig , so that you dont feel left out.LOL. Now if I could get old John to bring over some of them big catfish, and old Roy to bring some nice big ol butter fly shrimp from his place, why I`d start up the smoker and chill down the Brewskies., Lord I whished it was summer.
bullet maker :D
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Offline John

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« Reply #23 on: February 21, 2003, 05:31:40 PM »
I'll bring ya some catfish, might be a day or three, but I'll bring ya some. :toast:

You like apples, how ya like them apples?

I always have catfish.
Hey, hold my beer and watch this.

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« Reply #24 on: February 21, 2003, 06:54:30 PM »
Hi, John, yea I likes them apples. I be at the big gun show tomorrow. Then looks like we got about 4 days of snow and rain and sleet heading our way Sunday night. So I gots to hurry back home and get some firewood on the porch.
see ya later
bullet maker :D
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Offline ben gordon

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« Reply #25 on: February 23, 2003, 03:26:17 PM »
Bulletmaker, you shore got on John's good side fast, if I want some of his catfish I have to come and get em.  

There are a lot of trappers on the forum at that site, if you come on a particular problem they can probably help you.

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« Reply #26 on: February 23, 2003, 07:16:30 PM »
get him Ben.LOL.
bullet maker :-D
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« Reply #27 on: February 24, 2003, 07:08:12 AM »
Been doin him a favor.
Hey, hold my beer and watch this.

Offline John

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« Reply #28 on: February 24, 2003, 07:40:09 AM »
It's Ben's soul that needs to hang around with ole John now and then. Ben has been living down in Texas where huntin and fishin is all about $$$. Ben wasn't raised up like that here in the Dog Creek Hills. The prusuit of  fish and game was about sustanance, and became a Zen like experience, more of an esoteric endeavor.

Ben can get back in touch with his earth mother when he gets up here, kind of get his feet wet, so to speak, a cleansing experience.

Ain't that right, Ben?

I'd bout bet that you never realized what I was doin for you when you came up here fer them fish. Don't ya feel better about it now?
Hey, hold my beer and watch this.

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« Reply #29 on: February 24, 2003, 08:14:22 AM »
Ol John sure has changed since we were growing up, became a teacher and stuff.  Back then if someone mentioned Zen he's be wondering if it was  a blonde or brunette and he'd be trying to figure out why he didn't know her.
One advantage I have over John from living in Texas is I learned the value of boots, they aren't just for riding horses or honkey tonking. I  buy mostly some shade of brown these days.
I do get recharged, lot of fun with the BS and outdoors stuff.  Those catafish are pretty good also.