I start a thread or response.
When (not if) I attempt to correct ANY little thing in that writing, this software automatically attacks it with "["size=78%"]" and "["/size"]" tags.
If I write a quote, expecting the tags that I insert around the text to offset the quote from the remainder of the text, and I then make ANY modification within that quotation, this software attacks the entire post making EVERYTHING in it a quote.
The "work around" that I have found is to post the thread in its software adulterated form and then MODIFY THE HELL OUT OF IT so that it reads as intended.
Carriage return ("enter" command) looks like one line when typing but the software actually adds two (2) blank lines - increasing "white space".
This software is FRUSTRATING.
One more thing...Forums could use a "View First Unread Post" link.
One more thing...Threads could use a "post counter" as in every post gets a consecutive number in its chronological order as in "#X of #Y"