It was just announced on the 4:00 news that Lebanon County Pa has been DENIED Covid 19 relief money because they won't give blind obedience to The Lord and Dictator of Pa, Tom Wolf! After Tom Wolf has been shown on TV marching with the BLM protestesters WITHOUT A MASK OR EVEN ATTEMPTING TO SOCIAL DISTANCE he denies that county the relief money because they did the same as he illustrated by example, not as he dictated for them to do. That isn't concern for constituents, it's punishing those who oppose dictatorship by putting even more bussinesses bankrupt.....on purpose. Do as I say, not as I do or else.
Since it's obvious there is no leg to stand on for the Governor, who also is punishing small bussinesses across the state for no substantial reasons either, the only thing which it may be associated with is the attempt, (again) of the Democrats sabotaging the local economies to cause Trump to look responsible. In reality, the local economies were makinng a comeback, but anyone with a brain can understand how that makes the Democrats look bad. I don't know about you, but my votes, FOR EACH AND EVERY POSITION in November will be for the neighbors barking dog before a Democrat.