I just posted this over there (and probably won't be Moderating there for much longer as a result):
Regarding "Not Suitable For Work" (NSFW) content:
Please be assured that we are NOT changing your community rules with this. Whatever is unacceptable to post in the community now, will still not be acceptable.
The option is there to protect the site and all types of users who want to be part of the forum. There are many situations that require this function to be available.
This isn't only for registered users, it allows guests & users to view the site without having to view NSFW content. Not everyone highlights that content is NSFW in a thread, so users who may be in a public place or viewing the forum with young children in the room can be assured that content is being monitored and can browse with some assurance.
It also allows the page to be indexed by google as a safe page and will be ranked properly. The internet and how it manages content is changing if you want a site to stay relevant then you need to be part of that change.
NSFW content is not about your age only some people are sensitive to that content, it doesn't just block sexual content, violent and medial content are also blocked, some people don't like to see blood, some people don't want to see violence, everyone is different, but making a forum a safe place for everyone is something that should be in all our best interests.
Thread is CLOSED for further discussion, I have the following question/comment:
Google?!? Really? "A SAFE PAGE". Really? Tell us it ain't so!!!
You DO understand that THIS is, and always HAS BEEN, a HUNTING, FISHING, and SHOOTING SPORTS web site that is frequented by Men; by Conservative Men; Men that hunt, fish, trap, SHOOT and KILL animals FOR FOOD; Men that drink BEER and LIQUOR; Men that SMOKE CIGARS; Men with wives and children of their own; Men that censor themselves (mostly) in their postings to one another - in accordance with the January 31, 2005 (and amendments) GBO Terms of Use Policy; Men that LIKE WOMEN; Men that use COMMON SENSE; Men that don't tolerate STUPIDITY or IGNORANCE - right? Triggering of the Left is what these Men discuss - OPENLY. Censoring of their content here, from what is "routine and customary", is going to eviscerate participation and SIGNIFICANTLY alter the character and disposition of the people who will tolerate control by GOOGLE on this web site.
I STRENUOUSLY disagree. IMO you are shooting yourself in the foot.
Super Moderator Graybeard Outdoors