Author Topic: Warning: do not get the vaccine.  (Read 5288 times)

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Offline darkgael

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2020, 04:36:51 AM »
Yes, despite testing procedures never fully explained and despite the propaganda narrative,  those testing positive yet asymptomatic means natural and herd immunity is developing....a vax corp's worst nightmare....TM7
How is that? A person who is asymptomatic is still contagious. How does that translate to immunity?

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #31 on: August 07, 2020, 05:43:14 AM »
lets see. a known conspiracy website says its so and the surgeon general and even the president wear them and Im suppose to believe the nut cases??
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #32 on: August 07, 2020, 05:45:46 AM »
by the way that Dr. Denis G Rancourt, PhD is a phd not a medical doctor. A phd that is known for causing trouble at the universitys he worked at. Just a nobody that wants his name on the news!!
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Offline NWBear

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #33 on: August 07, 2020, 05:46:24 AM »
can't rewrite it the system doesn't seem to like quotes...

Offline darkgael

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #34 on: August 07, 2020, 08:41:27 AM »
Still contagious! Who told you that?”
Look it up. There are quite a few references to the fact.
Y’know....I was remembering an operation that I had five or six years ago. Five hours. The two doctors and the attending staff all wore surgical masks. Now why would they do that? Masks don’t work. Hmmm.

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #35 on: August 07, 2020, 12:32:50 PM »
Still contagious! Who told you that?”
Look it up. There are quite a few references to the fact.
Y’know....I was remembering an operation that I had five or six years ago. Five hours. The two doctors and the attending staff all wore surgical masks. Now why would they do that? Masks don’t work. Hmmm.
It is like the Flu and Common Cold, it is NEVER. EVER. EVER going away.People will die from it in flu like amounts till Hell freezes over.Get used to it.

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #36 on: August 07, 2020, 12:50:34 PM »
In a roughly related analogy to all the super sanitize paranoids out there, who do not expose their systems to those nasty germs,  you are not helping yourself.

The Russian Family That Cut Itself Off From Civilization for More Than 40 Years
 Dmitry’s death was possibly brought on by his exposure to new people with unfamiliar germs his immune system simply couldn’t fight.

Offline darkgael

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #37 on: August 07, 2020, 01:08:12 PM »
“A person testing positive without symptoms  is resistant and not sick by definition.”
That may be so. They may be asymptomatic and yet be able to infect others. Remember Mary Mallon?

Offline Dee

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #38 on: August 07, 2020, 03:50:39 PM »
Whose winning?
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #39 on: August 09, 2020, 03:12:02 AM »
That's the REAL scary thing. Unless they come up with a vaccine its going to tear this country up and even then whos to say a week later it doesn't morph into something else that's even more resistant. They said on tv even those that had it and those who tested positive that have the antibodys to fight it off aren't safe. A month from now it could be a completely different animal that those people don't have a resistance to it. People that have a lackadaisical view on it make sure more that actually get it just insures it has more chance to mutate. About the only real way to stop it is come up with a vaccine and have everyone in the world take the vaccine in a matter of days and that isn't happening. Not in third world countrys and even countrys like ours that have many that don't believe in vaccines or don't take it serious enough to bother with taking a vaccine. If this thing starts mutating and it probably will we could be dealing with it for decades.

[/quote]It is like the Flu and Common Cold, it is NEVER. EVER. EVER going away.People will die from it in flu like amounts till Hell freezes over.Get used to it.
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #40 on: August 09, 2020, 03:23:38 AM »
where did you get these facts. Doctor on fox news (real medical doctor that specializes in contagious disease, not a phd) that you can spread it even if you don't have symptoms. Just using common sense someone who contracts it doesn't show symptoms 6 hours later. Walk downtown in a big citys down town area and how many people would you come in contact with in 5 minutes let alone 6 hours. 100s if not 1000s. Contract it and go on an airline and expose 5 people to it and when the plane lands you have 6 of you spreading it that still haven't shown symptoms. You contract it through your mouth. Touch your mouth then touch a door handle and it can be transmitted to someone else. Those are the very reasons why even masks cant totally stop this. If you do have imunity to it that doesn't mean as soon as you pick the germ up on your hand or mouth or nose that that virus dies. It just means you wont show symptoms. You say that someone with immunity isn't passing it on but then in the same statement say someone vaccinated that has immunity is 6x more likely to spread it. Which is it?
Yes, despite testing procedures never fully explained and despite the propaganda narrative,  those testing positive yet asymptomatic means natural and herd immunity is developing....a vax corp's worst nightmare....TM7
How is that? A person who is asymptomatic is still contagious. How does that translate to immunity?
Still contagious! Who told you that?

A person testing positive without symptoms  is resistant and not sick by definition.

But what we have found in the case of flu, is vaccinated people shed contagion 6x more than unvaxxed people.
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #41 on: August 09, 2020, 03:29:33 AM »
Nobody!! Even medical doctors don't know everything about this and are struggling. Sure takes away any chance in hell someone on greybeards has the answers. All we can do is put some faith in the doctors and the people elected to protect us and add a dose of common sense. But some have a need to fight being told what to do about anything even if it is clearly the best way to go.
Whose winning?
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Offline darkgael

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #42 on: August 09, 2020, 09:38:09 PM »
"To be sick  you have to feel sick.......," I
One wonders what your.definition of sick is.
A person can have heart disease and not know it. They are sick.
A person can have cancer and not know it. They are sick.
A person can test positive for a disease and be asymptomatic. They are sick.
To say otherwise is the same kind of denial that keeps people away from treatment and kills them.

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #43 on: August 09, 2020, 11:55:25 PM »
well if I was deathly sick I sure wouldn't ask advice from a physicist or a teacher with a phd. Maybe if I wanted to know about dark matter or get a math lesson. But when it comes to disease ill stick with a MD thank you. We don't just have local doctors saying to wear a mask we have some of the most well know and competent doctors in the country saying it. But if you want to believe a Sheldon cooper then its your life. Next time someone in your family has a heart attack maybe call a tax lawyer with a phd. He at least will help you go through the will. Only thing sillier then listening so some phd that isn't a doctor giving medical advice is listening to someone on a outdoors forum telling me that doctors don't know what there talking about and he has the answer. Me ill listen to an MD that specializes in infectious diseases. They might not have all the answers but they have they know a heck of a lot more then my auto mechanic or some tin foil hat wearing guy that just wants his 5 minutes of fame. You must have a family doctor that you trust. Go ask him his opinion. Wana bet that when he sees you he has a mask on!
Lloyd.....medical doctors are practioners of medicine...mechanics, parrots and script writers. And they are not high priest.  Fausti has not seen a patient in 20 to 30 years....same with Debbi Brix who doesn't even have medical license to practice..
   All medical research is typically done by PhD types in chemistry, microbiology, industrial hygiene, bio-physics, virology epidemiology etc. etc. Everybody knows that. Now high priest Fausti was on telaversion the other day saying a vax is coming soon BUT ITS NOT VERY EFFECTIVE!  Too bad he sent millions to China to study 'gain of function' research on Coronavirus after it was banned here!

<><><><><><><><><><><><> made me laugh so hard I got a stitch in my gut.  In your post #41 you said:
'They may not feel sick but they are sick.'
Sir that has to be the oxymoronic statement of the month! To be sick you have to feel sick with flu like disease.

About poor Mary Mallon.> Typhoid is caused by a large Salmonella sp bacteria, not a <um aerial virus.  It was endemic around the turn of the last century chiefly due to lack of or poor refigeration before Mary ever came to the States. Mary was a cook who didn't like to wash her hands.  Even though typhoid was common Mary was the only so-called carrier ever forced into quarrantine.  There's alot of researchers who question Mary's storyline.
So remember what Mark Twain said, he said, ''Half the doctors I know want to make you sick, the other half want to kill you.''
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #44 on: August 10, 2020, 12:05:48 AM »
Amen. Do you think everyone that got polio before the vaccine was exposed to someone with symptoms. You probably are around 10 people a day that cough. How are you to know which has a tickle in his throat and which is coughing for the first time because he was infected. This area actually has a very low count of positives. But theres people from all over the country coming here every day as tourists. Some from the worse areas in the country. I think they come here because they think its the safest place to vacation. Wonder how many of them will have there first cough be in the store I buy grocerys from. I just cant fathom why someone wouldn't wear a mask. Its not like your getting your arm broke. I guess some just cant stand there own bad breath. Its such a minor inconvenience to help your safety and the people around you. Like I said before most of this is just the "you cant tell me what to do" little children. Fact is they can and did. Don't know about where some of you live but up here if you want food from the grocery store there not letting you in unless your wearing a mask period. Cry all you want but those are the facts. To me its about as logical as buckling your seat belt or not driving drunk. I suppose you have a right to do that too ;)
"To be sick  you have to feel sick.......," I
One wonders what your.definition of sick is.
A person can have heart disease and not know it. They are sick.
A person can have cancer and not know it. They are sick.
A person can test positive for a disease and be asymptomatic. They are sick.
To say otherwise is the same kind of denial that keeps people away from treatment and kills them.
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Offline darkgael

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #45 on: August 10, 2020, 01:24:03 AM »
   Even though typhoid was common Mary was the only so-called carrier ever forced into quarrantine.  There's alot of researchers who question Mary's storyline”
Evidently there were some hundreds of symptom free carriers of typhoid identified. She was the only one quarantined.
Perhaps (Likely) this was because she did not believe that she was a carrier of the disease. She never accepted that she was and never admitted that she was. She was.
Her denial is remarkably akin to the stand that people with ncovid19 who are asymptomatic are not infectious. They are.

Offline RaySendero

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #46 on: August 10, 2020, 02:42:56 AM »
So...We're all sick and infected and infectious!

Gosh what a scary story line to control everyone?!

Offline Argent 88

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #47 on: August 10, 2020, 09:59:59 AM »
Imagine if you will.

Offline darkgael

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #48 on: August 10, 2020, 03:26:53 PM »
Heart disease and cancer are degenerative conditions.  If I'm ill with a broken leg is it contagious?   It would be different if masks worked as Fauci and gang originally understood they did not, before embarking on the current Masking and Sanitizing Theater.....TM7
The references to cancer and heart disease were meant to illustrate that a person can be sick and not know it. The reference to the broken leg and contagion is yours and unrelated to what we have been discussing.
PS: i notice that you chose to not respond to the fact that operating room staff in hospitals routinely wear surgical masks and were doing so long before ncovid19.

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #49 on: August 11, 2020, 01:55:09 AM »
some are blind to the truth, some want to be blind to the truth and some think THEY are the truth. Ignore him. Anyone that posts and believes medical advice from a phd on a conspiracy site not a doctor is looking for the conspiracy not the truth. Luckily they're a very small minority and our REPUBLICAN government has taken steps to protect us from stupid.
Heart disease and cancer are degenerative conditions.  If I'm ill with a broken leg is it contagious?   It would be different if masks worked as Fauci and gang originally understood they did not, before embarking on the current Masking and Sanitizing Theater.....TM7
The references to cancer and heart disease were meant to illustrate that a person can be sick and not know it. The reference to the broken leg and contagion is yours and unrelated to what we have been discussing.
PS: i notice that you chose to not respond to the fact that operating room staff in hospitals routinely wear surgical masks and were doing so long before ncovid19.
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Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #50 on: August 11, 2020, 04:44:28 AM »
what about the opinion of the surgeon general of the UNITED STATES. Who gives a rats --- about what Sweden is doing or some doctor in that socialist country. Want Sweden opinions and laws move to Sweden! Bottom line is like it or not you too wear those masks. Want to take a stand take a stand then refuse to wear one period. Going to be pretty hard to buy grocerys though. Thankfully OUR government is smart enough to ignore what Sweden thinks and do whats logical. Personaly as long as you stay away from my family without one I could care less what you do to your family.
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Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #52 on: August 11, 2020, 09:44:13 AM »
So...We're all sick and infected and infectious!

Gosh what a scary story line to control everyone?!
The Ultra Left want the U.S. to become if the governrnent says crap, you drop your pants and squat.
They are well on their way with this paranoid scam.
Placebos RULE.

Offline darkgael

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #53 on: August 11, 2020, 10:49:15 AM »
So....don’t get the vaccine. Masks don’t work. Social distancing is alienation.
All negatives.
Got any positive advice for dealing with nCovid19? In all of your research about what not to do, you surely should have come upon what to do.

Offline Dee

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #54 on: August 11, 2020, 01:31:38 PM »
I'm outta popcorn.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline RaySendero

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #55 on: August 11, 2020, 02:44:41 PM »
Got any positive advice for dealing with nCovid19?

Stop worrying so much.
Worrying and stress has killed its share of people, too.

Offline Bob Riebe

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #56 on: August 11, 2020, 04:33:46 PM »
So....don’t get the vaccine. Masks don’t work. Social distancing is alienation.
All negatives.
Got any positive advice for dealing with nCovid19? In all of your research about what not to do, you surely should have come upon what to do.
Show me the scientific study that proves , proves not political bs rant, that masks do any good.
You will find just as much online from doctors saying the masks are a waste of time, but wait, except for Fox, the only medical news you hear is  YOU ARE GOING TO DIE unless you do as you are told.Number of cases is worthless political left wing BS; you NEVER hear how many people actually had serious medical problems, compared to supposed infections, as that small number would destroy their political talking points.
All this lying paranoia about protecting studens is a political damned lie by the left wing teacher union.
If they are chicken shite cowards afraid of the bogey man, they should crawl in their rabbit hole like Hussein did.
COVID-19 in children is usually mild, deaths rare, study says It is amazing 144 children have died of the Flu this season but it seems all such data ceased being made public  from March 13; now if you try to find such information all you get is old data or a bunch bull shite about the Corona Virus.

If YOU want to wear it wear it, do (censored word) with my constitutional rights, which now are as useless as used toilet paper
If YOU want to distance go for it, just get the hell out of telling me how to live my life, the same goes for the vaccine.
As far as good news the ultra left new networks ALL THEY SPEW is doom and gloom; they spread bull shite about how evil the Sturgis bike meet was and said NOTHING about the people being shot in Democrat controlled Baltimore .
If some one blathered about the "new normal" to me it would take all my effort now to smash my fist in his face; the Democrats fear like hell when thing do get back to normal and they will.
While the shite faced blather goes on about keeping schools closed, I am glad he colleges are suffering but the reason they are not opening is asinine at best, you hear almost nothing about the below, where Dem. governors should be tried for murder like the police men that BLM used as an excuse to riot and destroy black owned businesses.

     Facilities, Cases and deaths in long-term care facilities, by state   
    United States16,000362,00062,00041%
    New Hampshire272,11333582%
    Rhode Island672,87079078%
    North Dakota775806561%
    North Carolina2347,76692048%
    New Jersey55837,4766,82243%
    West Virginia454314337%
    New Mexico841,12122335%
    South Carolina2774,39858635%
    South Dakota583843829%
    District of Columbia181,01717129%
    New York5217,0056,58320%

Offline Dee

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #57 on: August 11, 2020, 04:42:11 PM »
So....don’t get the vaccine. Masks don’t work. Social distancing is alienation.
All negatives.
Got any positive advice for dealing with nCovid19? In all of your research about what not to do, you surely should have come upon what to do.
Show me the scientific study that proves , proves not political bs rant, that masks do any good.
You will find just as much online from doctors saying the masks are a waste of time, but wait, except for Fox, the only medical news you hear is  YOU ARE GOING TO DIE unless you do as you are told.Number of cases is worthless political left wing BS; you NEVER hear how many people actually had serious medical problems, compared to supposed infections, as that small number would destroy their political talking points.
All this lying paranoia about protecting studens is a political damned lie by the left wing teacher union.
If they are chicken shite cowards afraid of the bogey man, they should crawl in their rabbit hole like Hussein did.
COVID-19 in children is usually mild, deaths rare, study says It is amazing 144 children have died of the Flu this season but it seems all such data ceased being made public  from March 13; now if you try to find such information all you get is old data or a bunch bull shite about the Corona Virus.

If YOU want to wear it wear it, do (censored word) with my constitutional rights, which now are as useless as used toilet paper
If YOU want to distance go for it, just get the hell out of telling me how to live my life, the same goes for the vaccine.
As far as good news the ultra left new networks ALL THEY SPEW is doom and gloom; they spread bull shite about how evil the Sturgis bike meet was and said NOTHING about the people being shot in Democrat controlled Baltimore .
If some one blathered about the "new normal" to me it would take all my effort now to smash my fist in his face; the Democrats fear like hell when thing do get back to normal and they will.

That was purty good right there.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline darkgael

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #58 on: August 11, 2020, 09:19:32 PM »
So....don’t get the vaccine. Masks don’t work. Social distancing is alienation.
All negatives.
Got any positive advice for dealing with nCovid19? In all of your research about what not to do, you surely should have come upon what to do.
Show me the scientific study that proves , proves not political bs rant, that masks do any good.
You will find just as much online from doctors saying the masks are a waste of time, but wait, except for Fox, the only medical news you hear is  YOU ARE GOING TO DIE unless you do as you are told.Number of cases is worthless political left wing BS; you NEVER hear how many people actually had serious medical problems, compared to supposed infections, as that small number would destroy their political talking points.
All this lying paranoia about protecting studens is a political damned lie by the left wing teacher union.
If they are chicken shite cowards afraid of the bogey man, they should crawl in their rabbit hole like Hussein did.
COVID-19 in children is usually mild, deaths rare, study says It is amazing 144 children have died of the Flu this season but it seems all such data ceased being made public  from March 13; now if you try to find such information all you get is old data or a bunch bull shite about the Corona Virus.

If YOU want to wear it wear it, do (censored word) with my constitutional rights, which now are as useless as used toilet paper
If YOU want to distance go for it, just get the hell out of telling me how to live my life, the same goes for the vaccine.
As far as good news the ultra left new networks ALL THEY SPEW is doom and gloom; they spread bull shite about how evil the Sturgis bike meet was and said NOTHING about the people being shot in Democrat controlled Baltimore .
If some one blathered about the "new normal" to me it would take all my effort now to smash my fist in his face; the Democrats fear like hell when thing do get back to normal and they will.

That was purty good right there.
So.... nothing from that county about alternative strategies.

Offline ironglows

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Re: Warning: do not get the vaccine.
« Reply #59 on: August 12, 2020, 01:08:02 AM »
So....don’t get the vaccine. Masks don’t work. Social distancing is alienation.
All negatives.
Got any positive advice for dealing with nCovid19? In all of your research about what not to do, you surely should have come upon what to do.

  Yes Pete, all negatives, I presume because there are very few positive things happening in recent months..idiots raging in the streets, cities on fire, mass murder a common everyday occurrence in some neighborhoods every weekend.   ...And city councils cutting funding for police in the face of all this mayhem.
  We have "experts" and "officials", changing their recommendations day by day, often by 180 degrees, in just a few hours.
  We have a candidate for president who can barely utter a complete sentence, without making a major faux pas. Still, half the voters think it would be a very positive move to put him in the oval office, dealing daily for us, with people of the likes of Putin, the ayatollahs and Kim Jung Un !
     So I ask, who just a few months ago, would have dreamed that this constitutional republic, would have orders coming out of state capitals...ordering us to stay at home in a lockdown mode, do not go near your neighbor or loved ones, some even tell us we must eat a meal, if we drink at an establishment.
  ...And that was, after telling us to "go downtown and mingle"
  There have been instances where, people have not been allowed to be present beside a dying spouse..even though they had been beside them up until hospital admittance, and they weren't even suffering from the Chinese virus. That happened to my neighbor!

  These same "authorities" refuse to allow us to attend a church service, wedding or a funeral, except we keep it down to a very minimum, and sometimes that is not good enough !
  Then these same "authorities" attend a funeral (John Lewis') with hundreds in attendance, all in one large room...only to hear a former president condemn just such gatherings for the rest of us!
   Governors and mayors across the country, have shut down  and arrested people attending church services and funerals...while they allow massive crowds to loot and burn their own city uninterrupted!
  "We the people" are not deaf, dumb or stupid.. We are tired of elected officials who are peeing on the back of our leg...and then trying to tell us it is raining !
  Too many changed statements, falsified reports and just plain lies, for any sensible person to fall in line with !
  Fool me once, shame on you..fool me twice, shame on me! 

 I'm not biting anymore, ...besides, the Koolaid is beginning to taste very  rank !
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..