The Democrats will blatantly lie, and suppress anything they don't want you to know about. They are also pushing hard for mail in ballots, indescriminently distributed without verification of being a registered voter, or even a human being, alive, or an American Citizen. All"good" Democrats will be expected to use EVERY ballot sent to their residence to steal the election away from the Republicans, and anyone who believes that is not their true intent simply hasn't been paying attention.
The China Virus is of the same school. I saw the video of accredited doctors claiming they are forced to sit on over 200,000 doses of the medication that has proved both safe and effective for the majority of cases. Heart problems are the notable exception. The video has been removed by the Democrat controlled media giants. And the Democrat controled FDA refuses to release it for anything other than what it is labeled for.
Their racist bias also extends into the private and bussiness sectors. In NYC a restaurant displayed a TRUMP sign and abruptly was shut down. These are the scare tactics employed by socialists and communists, as well as dictators, but now are also the accepted tools to influence elections that the Democrats are fully comprehending they cannot win playing fair.
Trump has managed to improve our economy beyond anything experienced before. Has created jobs beyond expectations. Has helped minorities to find gainful employment the like of which has not been done before. Yet the Democrats claim that Biden, who has accomplished nothing other than becoming a legend in his own mind, will fix what China Virus, and the forcing of small bussinesses into bankruptcy by Democrat elected "officials", have done to devastate America. The Democrats call Trump a racist, when he has helped blacks find good jobs, rather than "help" them to stay on welfare.
There is only one reason the Democrats are blocking the truth, that's to keep the virus going until they can steal the election. Only then will they claim there is a cure and we can work, go to school, and by then be a communist governed country.