It's not rocket science that the Democrats are planning on flooding America with mail in ballots so the election WILL BE RIGGED! Already, one town has brought a demoncrat "official" on criminal charges for his part in the mail in vote accounting for 112% of th registered voters. How often will even 90% turn out to vote?
Households have reported mail in ballots revieved for cats and dogs, some dead for a reported ten years. Here, during the push for voter registratiom I personally was informed I was not registered....twice.....and after a half dozen phone calls was informed that everyone gets that.....none of my neighbors did. Yes, I AM registered, for 50+ years.
No research into age, party affiliation, species, or.....wait for it....CITIZENSHIP! Is there anything on the mailin ballot that would prove eligibility?
Let's hope the Senate,(who is the only body that can make a mail in ballot legal) has the foresight to end this