Next little town up the road..about same size as my town..there is a small, roadside ice cream stand. It has been operating for about 6-8 years.
One person, apparently taking Cuomo's snitch advice seriously, blew in that little ice cream stand, because she saw one person had not a mask on. The result...the lady who owned the stand, just shut it down for the season.
Well, not only the ice cream stand was popular but the lady who owns it is well liked also.
In a small village like that, few things stay secret for long...soon the name and profile of the snitch was placed on FB ! I know that young housewife, and her father well.
Always an attractive girl but now rather portly, it is truly a shame. Her life may be more difficult from now on. The real sad part is that she was brought up right, but she somehow went astray..becoming an incorrigible leftist.
She lost many friends here, I wonder if she thinks gov Andy will be her pal instead of the folks in her home town, where she was born and raised.
Turning leftie and squealwr, may be socially costly for her.