Author Topic: Anonymous..that old liar is at it again !  (Read 899 times)

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Offline ironglows

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Anonymous..that old liar is at it again !
« on: September 05, 2020, 03:43:11 PM »
  So the democrats introduce another damaging piece of tripe aimed at the president!  They are doing it again...using that old liar named "Anonymous"..
  Same guy or guys that offered the fake Russian dossier and so many other "bombshell" accusations against so many of the democrats enemies, over the years !

  Taken from Atlantic magazine, that failing publication....this newest batch of BS, claims the president disparaged our troops. Common sense tells us differently..
  This president has re-funded the military, after Obama's "sequestration", where he drastically cut the military budget and the military budget alone..of the entire federal budget !
  This president has alwayus backed the troops!
   Remember that Marine sgt who, when coming back from deployment, drove to his new duty station in San Diego..but ended up wandering into a Mexican border check? They jailed him in a squalid Mexican jail, where he would likely , eventually be murdered.  Obama ignored his plight..however as soon as Pres Trump got into office, he didn't rest until he freed that sergeant !

  President Trump, has overhauled the VA hospital system...something that has been needed for decades..  It is not perfect yet, but it is improving, since Pres Trump also introduced "choice" into the system, whereby if a vet is not being served well, he/she can us a civilian facility !

  Now, let's look how the Obama admin treated both active and veteran military. 

  1) Changed the retirement negatively.

 2) Left "don't ask, don't tell' behind, encouraging open perverse ideals.

 3) Tried to make the military and thus, taxpayers pay for sex change costs.

  The stupidity of #3 is incredible..
  A trans would never be a physical "picket fence" .. A1111111.. so they would never be qualified for a combat position.  They would be continually on hormone therapy and a battery of drugs.
  We know the military would not accept an enlistee who required regular radiation treatments or dialysis..
  And surely, any soldier or marine who requires a host of prescriptions could not serve in  a forward area such as found in why the preference?

  ...And this accusation by Mr Anonymous... ;D ;D :P  accusing our president of verbally abusing our honored dead..garbage.

  BTW: Don't forget the insults the left has laid upon our troops, starting back as far as the Vietnam conflict !

  "There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies, and statistics."  (Mark Twain)
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline two-blocked

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Re: Anonymous..that old liar is at it again !
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2020, 07:08:30 AM »
Let’s not forget he also served with distinction at the NY Military Academy. Throughout many tennis matches and intermural  basketball Games he never once complained about the bone spurs which would ultimately prevent him from enlisting. 

Offline ironglows

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Re: Anonymous..that old liar is at it again !
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2020, 07:31:19 AM »
Let’s not forget he also served with distinction at the NY Military Academy. Throughout many tennis matches and intermural  basketball Games he never once complained about the bone spurs which would ultimately prevent him from enlisting.

   Who?  The mysterious Mr Anonymous?
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline ironglows

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Re: Anonymous..that old liar is at it again !
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2020, 09:44:46 AM »
  The operative words.."appears to call for"... then consider the source, doesn't amount to much!
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline two-blocked

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Re: Anonymous..that old liar is at it again !
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2020, 12:43:18 PM »
Truest thing he ever said.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"

Offline ironglows

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Re: Anonymous..that old liar is at it again !
« Reply #6 on: September 06, 2020, 11:48:56 PM »
Truest thing he ever said.

"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK?"

  Now how about some Biden botches?   

  A) "I am a gaffe machine."

 B) "120 million Americans have died from Covid19."

 C) "150 million Americans have died (from guns) since 2007."

     Quoting Joe...
  " In addition to that, I passed the Brady Bill with waiting periods. I led that fight. But my friend to my right and others have in fact also given to the gun manufacturers absolute immunity. Imagine if I stood here and said we’d give immunity to drug companies. We would give immunity to tobacco companies. That has caused carnage on our streets. 150 million people have been killed since 2007 when Bernie voted to exempt the gun manufacturers from liability. More than all the wars, including Vietnam, from that point on."

  Now, do you still want to keep on trading quotes, Flounder?
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline ironglows

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Re: Anonymous..that old liar is at it again !
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2020, 12:24:07 AM »
 It does cause one to wonder just what moves these generals into the leftist position.

  Is it possible that they have made deals with lobbyists and/or weapons manufacturers?

  Perhaps by being honest, Pres Trump has exposed some raw nerves among certain individuals among the "big brass"!
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline Sandhillbilly

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Re: Anonymous..that old liar is at it again !
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2020, 02:32:29 AM »
Itbdoes cause one to wonder just what moves these generals into the leftist position.

  Is it possible that they have made deals with lobbyists and/or weapons manufacturers?

  Perhaps by being honest, Pres Trump has exposed some raw nerves among certain individuals among the "big brass"!

Its called money and power IG, the military industrial complex Eisenhower warned about. A munitions stored and unused doesn't  make any money

Offline ironglows

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Re: Anonymous..that old liar is at it again !
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2020, 04:20:40 AM »
...And those extremely greedy, selfish characters are likely some of the same ones who atre profiting from this Covid misery !
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline Sandhillbilly

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Re: Anonymous..that old liar is at it again !
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2020, 05:14:17 AM »
...And those extremely greedy, selfish characters are likely some of the same ones who atre profiting from this Covid misery !

Then add to that probably some of them are compromised and blackmailed just like two thirds of our elected officials