Out side of three lap tops, my only desk top computer still has Windows 98.
It does not have world wide web capablility any more as I lost that when I zapped a virus from it a long time ago, but there are pictures on it, from the web, I like to keep, just because I can but the main reason it is , as it is , is because I use the Word Processing feature it came with when ever I want to write some thing .
You do not one as good as that one , free , with the new systems.
It also is attached to a 17 inch cathode ray tube TV screen that I paid, big bucks for a long time ago and still works just fine.
I lost my Windows 98 disc, and the one a girl gave me is a pirate and does not load a full system, but if I ever find a good 98 disc. I will put it on a lap-top just for the word processing feature.
I had a dedicated Sharp Word Processing machine but the drive disc went bad and new one did/do not exist.
That still pisses me off.