Good choice Winchester Featherweight. Fine looking and shooting rifles. Hopes yours is too.
Caliber notwithstanding, my Featherweight is a 270 that has been faithfully in the deer stand with me since 1990. It has its "got 'em honest" dings and nicks that are ever present reminders of those specific instances where I failed.
I have been looking for a checkered wood, Schnabel fore end, long action (7 5/8"), 2-piece floor plate, right hand, control round feed bolt, replacement Featherweight stock. I cannot tell from incomplete Winchester serial#, if mine is pre-64 or post (G21515). It cannot be "current production" (2008-present). I suspect post-64.
The "G" series #'s seem to start in 1969 at G941900 (920 thousand after mine) according to this site: . Confusing to say the least.
Mine has an incomplete strike on its barrel, "Winchester Featherweigh" [sic], trailing off with an incomplete "h" and no "t", making it unique I think. Best picture I have: