This morning while driving, I was listening to a radio talk show out of Buffalo. This is a talk show where the excellent, long time host retired, to be replaced by an also excellent host named David Bellavia.
Duringthe show, a Desert storm veteran called in, explaining how his step-daughter attending syracuse U. and a registered democrat, had received 2 mail in ballots in her mailbox. One was first name ..last name, the other last name comma first name.
Her bio Dad, thinking perhaps she didn't get a ballot, somehow picked one up for her, giving her a total of 3 ballots.
Since she is still registered as a Democrat, but now thinking more like her veteran step Dad, she refused to do the crooked thing...and voted just one person.
BTW: You may have recognized the name of that new, excellent talk show host, David Bellavia. In any case, check him out below !