Or more specifically, pepper jack cheese.
My goodness what in blue hades has
happened to the good stuff Kraft foods
used to make?!?!?
50 years ago, their BBQ sauce was as good
as any store-bought you could find.
Then, their mayonnaise, their ketchup, and I
guess everything else has reduced zing, and
replaced with industrial strength bland.
Most all the stores around here either have
store brand stuff, or mex or south american
food products. I happened to be out away from
the hood the other day, and bought a few
items, one of which was some Kraft pepper
jack cheese. Well that was a waste of money.
Need to re-label it Kraft hurriedly thrown together
extra bland white colored cheese stuff.
What's happened to all the food items that
used to be top drawer and number one on
everyone's grocery list? Seems once they go
big time corporate, food manufacturers and
eating joints go rapidly down the pooper