I never go tthat rivalry thing figured out either. So you like Chevys?..Good for you, enjoy! Or just as easily..oh..you like Fords? Great, I'm pleased that they serve you well.. So why do you try to hound me about driving a Ram?
Actually, I don't own a Ram..but switch the brands around to different people, as if I had the Ford or Chevy..makes no difference! Whatever you have, Ford, Chevy, Ram, Chrysler, VW, Jeep or Toyota, no skin off my nose, and I'm glad you're happy with it !
Now, for WD40, I think the silicone base is what really does most of the work of removing moisture.
Gezerbiker mentioned using an ATF/kerosene mix for penetrating oil. Sounds like a good tip! Although special oil is available, I usually use either ATF, peanut or Canola oil to harden blades I forge.