With the fact that he was compromised with a CCP spy, why should there even be a question about his expulsion..even his expulsion from congress itself
..Nancy even admits that in 2015, when she appointed him to the intel committee, she knew he was messing with the CCP female.
https://www.foxnews.com/politics/swalwell-pelosi-background-check-every-intern-not-necessary If honesty prevailed in DC, Nancy should be dumped for such neglect of her duties..
Another question...the house has an ethics committee! Why didn't someone there have the moxie to tell Swalwell to quit bulldogging that little Chinese spy, and be honest with his own family?
https://www.thefocus.news/celebrity/eric-swalwell-wife/ ..And THIS is the crowd who accused our best president since G. Washington, of impropriety with the Russians?
Just how many goons in our government are OWNED by the CCP ?