I've often wondered why the chief that blew the sniper up quit and went to Chicago.
I'll go ahead and say it
The black factions can't stand the hispanic
factions and won't work together no matter
the consequences.
The only thing they both agree on is that they
don't like whitey.
Our outgoing chief has publicly stated at a
news conference that blacks were forced to
commit crimes, and shouldn't be blamed for
any wrongdoing they commit
The district attorney has publicly stated that
his office will not prosecute cases of less than
$750.00 in value.
If somebody cleans out 600 some odd dollars
worth of goods from my residence or business,
It's just my bad luck, and I can go suck a lemon
City council isn't any better. Or the county
commissioners either one. There's been several
sent to the pen for massive fraud and lining of
their pockets
That's just the way it is, although many will
start rattling off excuses, disenfranchising,
underprivileged na na na blah blah blah