As annoying as equipment breakdown in winter can be, cars battery, starter and snow blower not working when there is repeated larger snow drops with high drifts, it keeps one in shape.
When a hard winter is continuous ,not just a little here and there, you adapt to it and going out in it becomes oddly pleasant.
This has been a warm pissant winter with a large snow drop that totally melted, that sucks.
I am not sure if I want to go back to not having a snow-blower for the rental house I lived in and ran where I shoveled the parking lot approx. 30x40 by hand and by the first of March snow banks on the sides were so high I had difficulty throwing snow over them but back then there was a lot less sidewalk to shovel.
Same at Dad's place as I got older and i did all the shoveling but there the city would come by with a bucket and remove large piles that made it impossible for those coming out of the alley way to see around.
It is getting out of shape from not doing what one used to do , often, that makes one think one is falling apart.
I removed , rebuilt and enlarged a retaining wall, 12 ft. by approx. 3 ft. with 80 lb. blocks this summer; when I started I thought I was old and pathetic but by the
time I was finishing blocks did not seem so heavy, squatting and standing up seemed to be far, far easier.
It was getting to that point that probably took days longer than it did fifteen years ago.