I can see the fireworks enthusiasm, among folks around here, even though I don't share the same enthusiasm. NY is a quite restricted state for fireworks. Real displays must be accompanied by a licensed? fireworks operator.
We have a couple, a young man & his family, down at the lake, who put on a display for every holiday that allows for same. From my house, I have a more or less, ringside seat...but i don't care..
There are actually 3 young men & families involved, I taught them in Sunday School.. They have an active used car dealership, gas stations etc., so I suppose they consider it "good will advertising" !..But they are Christian & patriotic, so they may be doing it as being a good neighbor.
Somehow, after rifles, hand guns, machine guns (30 & 50), mortars, RPGs, hand grenades, primer cord, artillery, hand grenades, my tank gunnery etc...I just don't get a charge from fireworks. Now, I know there are vets who have experienced far more than I have, and still enjoy fireworks..but I am just bored by them..