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Offline ironglows

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Fitting appraisal..
« on: January 24, 2021, 02:30:21 AM »
  It will be a sad day but we will stand....
I do not like Joe Biden. I do not like Kamala Harris. But as of today January 20, is Biden my president? Yes. Why? Because I am an American. I refuse to act like a child like the crying liberals who claimed Trump wasn’t their president for the last 4 years.
Do I think Biden will be a good president? Nope. But do I wish for his failure? No. Why? Because I am an American and I don’t want to see America fail.
Do I wish death upon Biden just because I don’t like him? Nope. Again, I’m not like the heartless liberals who prayed for Trump’s death for the last 4 years just because they didn’t like him.
Do I think the left is using Biden as a pawn? Without a doubt. I guarantee he won’t be president long. Pelosi will claim he is unfit due to mental instability/dementia and invoke the 25th Amendment which will make Harris president, which was their goal all along. To have a female president. It’s the only plausible reason why Harris would agree to be his running mate when she claimed he was a racist and a rapist.
Do I think the election was fair? No.  But that won't stop me from voting again because every vote should count, but I will be watching closely as should all Americans.
Do I trust our government? Not a chance.
I fear for the next 4 years. I fear for our economy. I fear for small business owners. I fear for our healthcare. I fear for our Bill of Rights. I fear for our Constitution. I fear for what’s to come after these next 4 years. I fear for what this country is turning into.
But I hope and pray I am wrong, because I am an American patriot and I want America to succeed. I wish only the best for our country. May God help us all!!!! Please pray for our country for our people ‼️‼️
**copied and pasted. Feel free to do the same if you agree**

   My primary wish now, is that before the next 2 years transpire, we will have found a way to make elections HONEST !   If we can clean that up, we can restore a responsible government...hope that will be not too late.

"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline ironglows

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Re: Fitting appraisal..
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2021, 03:42:19 AM »
My opinion. Doesn't have to be anyone else's.

To be President of the United States, one has to be ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE.


Joe Biden was put into a "POSITION" by deceit, trickery, and with cooperating Democratic liberal courts, "BY FORCE". A "Dictator" who gains power by any,  and all methods mentioned may call himself anything he wishes, including president (little p).

To accept any of these methods of gaining power, is not as much "accepting", as it is "submitting" to this power, regardless of its methods of gaining it.
To "submit" is to "bend over" and take it, while knowing it is wrong.

So, Joe Biden can be someone, or anyone else's president (little p), but he isn't mine.

If you live in "fear" Joe Biden and company have accomplished their goals.

"FEAR" is what SOCIALISM, then COMMUNISM is all about.

SO! If I'm going to be described as a complainer, or whiner, by others, will counter with saying: I am a disgruntled, unhappy, and resentful, with the resulting government take over coup, aged PATRIOT, that while aware I have little recourse, I will not dignify Biden with the title of President of the United States. (Big P)

I will continue to vote whether its counted or not, and will face what ever happens with this economy killing jackass, and his Constitutional wrecking  crew.

If others want to "dishonor" the office of the President of the United States, by referencing Biden as their president? They can dam sure have at it, and know that they as an appeaser, are on opposite sides.

  True!  ..But what do you and I personally, do about it ?  I don't agree with every detail above, but generally speaking, we have to deal with the robbery somehow.  If those we did fairly elect to look after our interests, can't straighten the voting robberies...all is lost anyway.
    I still don't wish injury or illness upon Biden or Harris..i only pray they will wake up before they destroy the greatest system the world has ever seen, for human freedom and refuge !
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline Argent 88

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Re: Fitting appraisal..
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2021, 03:43:37 AM »
Biden took the oath, so that only leaves us with a couple of options. He will self destruct on his own,or his party will do it for him. His first day in office was almost overwhelming for him.

Offline Dee

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Re: Fitting appraisal..
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2021, 03:48:56 AM »
My opinion. Doesn't have to be anyone else's.

To be President of the United States, one has to be ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE.


Joe Biden was put into a "POSITION" by deceit, trickery, and with cooperating Democratic liberal courts, "BY FORCE". A "Dictator" who gains power by any,  and all methods mentioned may call himself anything he wishes, including president (little p).

To accept any of these methods of gaining power, is not as much "accepting", as it is "submitting" to this power, regardless of its methods of gaining it.
To "submit" is to "bend over" and take it, while knowing it is wrong.

So, Joe Biden can be someone, or anyone else's president (little p), but he isn't mine.

If you live in "fear" Joe Biden and company have accomplished their goals.

"FEAR" is what SOCIALISM, then COMMUNISM is all about.

SO! If I'm going to be described as a complainer, or whiner, by others, will counter with saying: I am a disgruntled, unhappy, and resentful, with the resulting government take over coup, aged PATRIOT, that while aware I have little recourse, I will not dignify Biden with the title of President of the United States. (Big P)

I will continue to vote whether its counted or not, and will face what ever happens with this economy killing jackass, and his Constitutional wrecking  crew.

If others want to "dishonor" the office of the President of the United States, by referencing Biden as their president? They can dam sure have at it, and know that they as an appeaser, are on opposite sides.

  True!  ..But what do you and I personally, do about it ?  I don't agree with every detail above, but generally speaking, we have to deal with the robbery somehow.  If those we did fairly elect to look after our interests, can't straighten the voting robberies...all is lost anyway.
    I still don't wish injury or illness upon Biden or Harris..i only pray they will wake up before they destroy the greatest system the world has ever seen, for human freedom and refuge !

Well, after I posted I went back and tried to delete my post, as I realized I'd end up in a debate I didn't really want to be in, but you unfortunately for me had already quoted me with your "justification,".

So here's my response to something I wish I had have left alone, and I'm gonna step out of after this post.

 So, I guess in your case you "submit and appease". You said hes your president.
And maybe you should pray for the Devil also. Maybe he'll wake up to.

I haven't prayed for anybodies death, but admittedly, I have for Justice, which seems in short supply government wise.
There is no question what he'll do to the economy, he's already doing it, but I am not going to let fear cause me to get about something I can do nuthin about.
It will end up, however it ends up. His failures in some areas could be our successes.

Can anything be done? Probably not, and admittedly my refusal is inconsequential, and nuthin more than symbolic to my own patriotic Americanism, but I'm gonna continue wearing my flea collar, and not pretend something is, that isn't.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Fitting appraisal..
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2021, 06:20:16 AM »
During the osama obama years, I never listened to him on TV, because I had researched his political past and found him evil.
For the next four years I will not listen to the oval office occupant because I have done my research and found that evil now abounds in that office and the cabinet.
Did I ever wish osama obama dead??  Not that I can  recall.
To wish someone dead is the same as murder in GOD's eyes.

Yes, we should always vote, or keep out mouths shut about any office holder.

Do I call slow joe "MY" president??  No, and the reason being, he is diametrically opposed to everything that I hold dear.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death

Offline DDZ

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Re: Fitting appraisal..
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2021, 06:27:08 AM »
I know everyone has different opinions about things. Even among conservatives.  JB is not my president nor Americas president, because he was not rightfully elected by Americas voters. I do not even question that. I feel 100% sure that the radical left stole this election from me,  and the rest of the American people.  If someone steals your car.  Are you going to say oh, he stole my car, now its his? I would bet not.  Just because someone steals your car, it certainly does not make it his car.  JB can be called the POTUS, but he certainly is not.  Likewise I hope JB, and this administration does fail at what their plans are for America, because I know his plans are not what is best for America. His plans I feel will destroy America.   If JB was elected fairly by American voters, I would certainly call him our president.  Its just not the seat of the President him and the radical left stole. By the time they are done, they will have also stolen the America that we know and love.  What JB and the radical left did, was certainly against the law and the constitution.  He is sitting in a stolen seat, but he is not and never will be Americas president.
Those people who will not be governed by God will be ruled by tyrants.    Wm. Penn

Offline ironglows

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Re: Fitting appraisal..
« Reply #6 on: January 25, 2021, 05:14:43 AM »
  Rightly or wrongly, he's in the office.  I don't like it either of course, but short of armed resistance, what do old codgers (like most of us here) do..and I don't intend on resorting to any armed raid on Washington.
    That was a "cut & paste", and please reply#1, I said I wasn't in agreement with the entire article...
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline BUGEYE

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Re: Fitting appraisal..
« Reply #7 on: January 25, 2021, 09:25:46 AM »
  Rightly or wrongly, he's in the office.  I don't like it either of course, but short of armed resistance, what do old codgers (like most of us here) do..and I don't intend on resorting to any armed raid on Washington.
    That was a "cut & paste", and please reply#1, I said I wasn't in agreement with the entire article...
LOL, yep we’re too old.
But when they start using red flag laws to take people’s guns, I’m betting that some folks will start shooting and others will join them.
It could get nasty.
Give me liberty, or give me death
                                     Patrick Henry

Give me liberty, or give me death