My opinion. Doesn't have to be anyone else's.
To be President of the United States, one has to be ELECTED BY THE PEOPLE.
Joe Biden was put into a "POSITION" by deceit, trickery, and with cooperating Democratic liberal courts, "BY FORCE". A "Dictator" who gains power by any, and all methods mentioned may call himself anything he wishes, including president (little p).
To accept any of these methods of gaining power, is not as much "accepting", as it is "submitting" to this power, regardless of its methods of gaining it.
To "submit" is to "bend over" and take it, while knowing it is wrong.
So, Joe Biden can be someone, or anyone else's president (little p), but he isn't mine.
If you live in "fear" Joe Biden and company have accomplished their goals.
"FEAR" is what SOCIALISM, then COMMUNISM is all about.
SO! If I'm going to be described as a complainer, or whiner, by others, will counter with saying: I am a disgruntled, unhappy, and resentful, with the resulting government take over coup, aged PATRIOT, that while aware I have little recourse, I will not dignify Biden with the title of President of the United States. (Big P)
I will continue to vote whether its counted or not, and will face what ever happens with this economy killing jackass, and his Constitutional wrecking crew.
If others want to "dishonor" the office of the President of the United States, by referencing Biden as their president? They can dam sure have at it, and know that they as an appeaser, are on opposite sides.
True! ..But what do you and I personally, do about it ? I don't agree with every detail above, but generally speaking, we have to deal with the robbery somehow. If those we did fairly elect to look after our interests, can't straighten the voting robberies...all is lost anyway.
I still don't wish injury or illness upon Biden or Harris..i only pray they will wake up before they destroy the greatest system the world has ever seen, for human freedom and refuge !
Well, after I posted I went back and tried to delete my post, as I realized I'd end up in a debate I didn't really want to be in, but you unfortunately for me had already quoted me with your "justification,".
So here's my response to something I wish I had have left alone, and I'm gonna step out of after this post.
So, I guess in your case you "submit and appease". You said hes your president.
And maybe you should pray for the Devil also. Maybe he'll wake up to.
I haven't prayed for anybodies death, but admittedly, I have for Justice, which seems in short supply government wise.
There is no question what he'll do to the economy, he's already doing it, but I am not going to let fear cause me to get about something I can do nuthin about.
It will end up, however it ends up. His failures in some areas could be our successes.
Can anything be done? Probably not, and admittedly my refusal is inconsequential, and nuthin more than symbolic to my own patriotic Americanism, but I'm gonna continue wearing my flea collar, and not pretend something is, that isn't.