Author Topic: Glock 357 sig.  (Read 1241 times)

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Offline tripper

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Glock 357 sig.
« on: March 03, 2004, 10:01:17 AM »
How does the 357 stack up to the 9mm for take down power and shootability? Are there any proublems with loading for the sig ?  For defense  my choice would be the 45 but I want something the little lady will not be scared to shoot.
be safe and god bless


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Glock 357 sig.
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2004, 07:59:17 PM »
Shootability? Noise! they are VERY LOUD!!!
recoil is about the same as .40. Reloading takes special care. Carbide dies are out so it's lube and de-lube the cases. Case neck tension is critical to prevent set back. Of course its a easy conversion to .40 s&w, which is an easier cartridge for beginers. Law enforcement does report more 'lightning bolt effect' (instant stopping power) with the 357sig over both the 9mm and .40s&w. Mabey a Glock 35 with a 357sig barrel and shoot both?

Offline tripper

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Glock 357 sig.
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2004, 07:23:56 AM »
Hammer, thanks for the info.I have been reloading for a lot of years now so figure I can handle that . As fare as the mod. goes I was looking more at the 32 because it is a little smaller and on my small frame it would be a little easier to hide if I wanted to. I would realy like to have both a full size and something like the mod.27 but it's not in the budget.
be safe and god bless

Offline dave375hh

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Glock 357 sig.
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2004, 08:14:53 AM »
I've had my mod 32 for two years now. I find the recoil no heavier than a .45 but very quick. It's a little strange at first but not bad in any case. I got used to it in the first 100 rounds.

   I reload with Redding dies with a seperate taper crimp die on a Dillon progressive. I've had no trouble with bullet set-back to date. You do need to taper crimp because the .357 sig headspaces on the casemouth not the shoulder(I never figured out why they did that). Alliant Power Pistol w/124gr Speer golddot's go 1420 at 5' over my Procrono. The reloading pages of M.D. Smith have some good loads listed for the .357 Sig.

Offline tripper

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Glock 357 sig.
« Reply #4 on: March 09, 2004, 08:14:50 AM »
Thanks for the info and link Dave.  It is almost sounding like like it might to much recoil for my wife, but then if I go with a ported barrel and double spring it. Hmmmm I just hate to drope down to anything smaller. When the snow is gone I will just have to have try my son's 40.
be safe and god bless

Offline NYH1

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Re: Glock 357 sig.
« Reply #5 on: March 09, 2004, 07:35:41 PM »
Quote from: tripper
For defense  my choice would be the 45 but I want something the little lady will not be scared to shoot.

tripper, don't fool yourself the 357 mag. and the 40 S&W both have a better "one shot stop" percentage with the "right bullets" then the 45 ACP (97% and 96% repectively) according to the FBI. Being that the 357 Sig mirrors the 357 mag. "the little lady" :shock:  might be better armed then you.  :-D

Their's around 18,000 local, county, state and federal police agenties in this country. 65% use Glock's the most popular being the 40 S&W.
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Offline tripper

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Glock 357 sig.
« Reply #6 on: March 11, 2004, 05:41:32 AM »
New York Hunter, Most of the law inforcement here also carry the 40 and I would not feel under guned with either the 40 or 357 sig. My wife most likely will not carry but I do want somthing she will be willing to shoot. I have decided to hold off buying until I can get her out and have her shoot my sons 40's and go from there.
be safe and god bless

Offline NYH1

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Glock 357 sig.
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2004, 06:30:50 PM »
Quote from: tripper
I have decided to hold off buying until I can get her out and have her shoot my sons 40's and go from there.

Thats a good idea. Ya might even want to let her try a 9mm too. With the right ammo the 9mm works pretty good. I would much rather have a 40 S&W (I have two), 357 Sig, 10mm (this ones hot) or the big daddy himself the 45 ACP. But if someone was to shoot a 9mm and felt more comfortable handling one it would be a better choice then a larger caliber pistol they didn't like or weren't comfortable with. The Glock 9mm, 357 Sig, 40 S&W and the new 45 G.A.P are all the same physical size as far as the actual pistol go's. Just something to think about, let us know. :grin:
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Offline Zeus

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Glock 357 sig.
« Reply #8 on: March 15, 2004, 06:55:04 AM »
I also use the Mod32.  I use it as one of my CCW.  Love the gun.  I keep Ranger Ts in it for carry usage.  Recoil is fairly quick but easy to get the hang of.  I was mainly shooting my 1911 when I bought this one.  I would say that the Mod23 40 that I used to have actually "kicked" more than the 32.  They are loud though as someone mentioned.  Definetely an attention getter.  GS

Offline KING

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Glock 357 sig.
« Reply #9 on: March 15, 2004, 04:16:27 PM »
:D Dont take it wrong guys,but...........a female,with proper training can handle anything that you can with very few exceptions.  The calibers that you are talking about are not those that are listed in the exceptions.  At least in my experiance of training many,many officers of both genders.  Stay safe.....King

Offline NYH1

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Glock 357 sig.
« Reply #10 on: March 16, 2004, 06:06:50 PM »
Quote from: KING
:D Dont take it wrong guys,but...........a female,with proper training can handle anything that you can with very few exceptions.

KING, I agree with you 100%! :toast:
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Offline tripper

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Glock 357 sig.
« Reply #11 on: March 17, 2004, 02:38:20 PM »
Have to agree with you king and hunter. Have thought also of just getting the 357 sig and then work her up to it from the 22 through a light 38 and on up.
be safe and god bless

Offline Tinsoldier

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.357 SIG
« Reply #12 on: July 16, 2004, 03:20:46 AM »
I have a 22 that I purchased a .357 SIG barrel for and it is a different recoil from the .40,I like the accuracy but I have encountered bullet setback after carrying the gun for several days,I don't know why but it has occurred with 3 factory loads.
I also bought a 9mm barrel just for fun so I could have a comparable gun to my 17,but the 22 shoots better.Go figure.
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