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House Reps vow to retire EVIL NASTYNANCY once and for all. YEEEEEESSS
« on: Today at 03:41:54 PM »

House GOP to target 47 ‘vulnerable’ Democrats to capture House majority in 2022
House Republican reelection chair Emmer vows to ‘retire Speaker Pelosi once and for all’
Paul SteinhauserBy Paul Steinhauser | Fox News

Rep. Emmer: The ‘radical socialist left’ is ‘dangerous’ to the middle class
The campaign arm for House Republicans is spotlighting 47 seats currently held by what they consider to be "vulnerable Democrats" that they see as "prime pick-up opportunities" for the GOP in the 2022 midterm elections.

National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) chair Rep. Tom Emmer, in unveiling the list on Wednesday, vowed, "We’re going to retire Speaker Pelosi once and for all."


The GOP controlled the House majority for eight years before losing control of the chamber in the 2018 midterms. But Republicans defied expectations and took a big bite out of the Democrats’ majority in last November’s elections and only need to flip five seats in 2022 to regain the control of the House. In modern times, the party that controls the White House traditionally loses roughly 25 House seats in midterm elections.

"Midterm elections are historically checks on the party in power and I believe that’s going to be bad news for House Democrats. It’s not going to be easy but we’re going to finish the job that we started," Emmer said during a conference call with reporters.

Pointing to the 47 Democrats the NRCC’s targeting, Emmer said, "They include 29 Battleground Democrats where President Biden lost the district or where the 2020 presidential or congressional margin was within 5 points."

The four-term congressman from Minnesota said his list also includes "eight underperforming Democrats, these are weak incumbents who won by less than 10% and underperformed the presidential ballot margin in their district."

And Emmer said there are also what he termed as "10 Redistricting Watch Democrats, who currently represent districts in states that are going to gain or lose seats during the reapportionment, or they represent districts in states that have a redistricting commission."


Looking back to the GOP’s victories the 2020 House races, Emmer emphasized "we’re going to build off of last cycle’s successful blueprint. That means we’re going to recruit great candidates again. We’re going to deliver a winning message to voters and we’re going raise the resources that are necessary to win."

And pointing to the policies and proposals being pushed by Biden’s administration and congressional Democrats, the NRCC chair pledged, "Every voter is going to have clear understand of the Democrats’ socialist agenda and the damaging impact it’s going to have on their daily lives."

Among those on the list of 47 Democrats is Emmer’s counterpart, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney of New York, who recently took over as chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC).

Responding to the NRCC’s new list of "vulnerable" Democrats, the DCCC highlighted House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy’s refusal to discipline freshman GOP Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia over controversial comments she made before she won election to Congress.


"The American people are looking for leaders they can count on to crush the coronavirus, get them relief checks, and put them safely back on the job after President Trump and Washington Republicans’ pure incompetence left millions out of work. But instead, Minority Leader McCarthy won’t stop reminding the country that he is too weak to stand up to the dangerous QAnon conspiracists taking over his party and sparking violence on the streets that left a police officer murdered. That’s a contrast American voters will not forget," DCCC communications director Cole Leiter said.

The spotlight last week on Greene came as Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming – the number three lawmaker in House GOP leadership – beat back a push by Trump loyalists to strip her of her leadership position for voting last month to impeach the then-president. But Cheney was censured by the Wyoming GOP this past weekend. And other congressional Republicans who voted to impeach Trump or who’ve been critical of the former president have also faced retribution.

Emmer, asked about the internal GOP division, said, "There’s some stuff that has to work its way through the system but I’m very confident that we’ve already started that process and that we will be unified."

Trump has vowed to play an influential role with the GOP going forward, as he and his allies start to target Republicans who’ve crossed him.

Emmer praised the former president, saying that "Trump and his administration implemented some amazing policies for this country."

And he emphasized that "Republicans need to celebrate those policies. I think we need to continue to embrace them because our Democrat colleagues have said they’re going to void all of it and I think they’re going to run into a lot of trouble when they do."

Asked by Fox News if he would embrace support from Trump as he works to regain the House majority, Emmer answered, "As to what President Trump wants to do going forward, I’ll leave that to him."

But he said that he needs "everybody on deck" in the campaign battle
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Argent 88

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Re: House Reps vow to retire EVIL NASTYNANCY once and for all. YEEEEEESSS
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2021, 10:05:24 AM »
In 2022, we will still be dealing with Dominion voteing machines.

Offline DDZ

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Re: House Reps vow to retire EVIL NASTYNANCY once and for all. YEEEEEESSS
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2021, 12:43:19 PM »
In 2022, we will still be dealing with Dominion voteing machines.

Right! the GOP is now talking about 2022. I think first they need to talk about making voting fair and legal again.  If nothing is done they can forget about winning anything in 2022.
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Offline Ranger99

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Re: House Reps vow to retire EVIL NASTYNANCY once and for all. YEEEEEESSS
« Reply #3 on: February 10, 2021, 01:27:45 PM »
Of course, you still have all
the pinheads that vote America
haters like her in year after year
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .

Offline magooch

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Re: House Reps vow to retire EVIL NASTYNANCY once and for all. YEEEEEESSS
« Reply #4 on: February 10, 2021, 06:35:53 PM »
Well the Republicans had better start planning how they plan to defeat the Dummycratic cheaters, fraudsters and schemers.  The commies have proven there is nothing they won't do to assure they win the count.  I think next time around the Republicans had better put some plants in the Dummycrat Party to rat the cheaters out.

On the other hand, I'm reasonably sure that the Dummies are going to screw things up so badly that there might be public lynching of the scum that resides in that bunch of crooks and lying thieves called Dems.

Online Lloyd Smale

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Re: House Reps vow to retire EVIL NASTYNANCY once and for all. YEEEEEESSS
« Reply #5 on: February 10, 2021, 10:50:34 PM »
And pointing to the policies and proposals being pushed by Biden’s administration and congressional Democrats, the NRCC chair pledged, "Every voter is going to have clear understand of the Democrats’ socialist agenda and the damaging impact it’s going to have on their daily lives."

this is what ive been preaching. There doing our job for us. Let them come out with all there wild hippy crap they dreamed up in there 60s lsd era. Peace and love and equality and a utopia where we all wear white and have flowers in our hair. its already hitting those idiots right in there wallets and its going to get worse fast. Just told my dad last night let it come. I feel for some of you that it will hurt but its not going to get so bad that i cant afford to eat and 4 years of taking it in the ass to show the country how insane this crap is might in the big picture be a small price to pay. Time comming soon when those idots on cnn and yahoo and nbc start seeing there cost of living going through the roof to pay for a socialist welfare state. remember those are 6 figure earners that biden is snubbing. Eventually even they will see through this crap. When business start failing because they can afford to pay workers 15 bucks an hour and the unemployement levels go the opposite way that old joe is being told in his ear peace by harris and berrnie. My wife is not near as political as me. She votes republican but probably because im so strongly on that side. She works at the hospital here local and tells me more then half there are liberals. She said she got some serious stares when at lunch she brought up the fact that some pimple faced 16 year old will make 2 bucks an hour less then her and more then some of the people sitting in that lunch room. She told them they might as well quit and go work at burger king. there so hurting for employees they will about let you write your own hours. But the news said last night the biggest pot store chain in the area is opening two new locations. Isnt that special!!
blue lives matter

Offline Dee

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Re: House Reps vow to retire EVIL NASTYNANCY once and for all. YEEEEEESSS
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2021, 03:20:21 AM »
The country is falling apart, the economy is tanking and will get around to everything, and everyone.
Republicans are saying 2022. They are once again living in their Republican fantasy land making promises the can't keep, for elections they can't win.
The election corruption has to be cleaned up first, and the Republicans don't have the stomach, nor the fortitude for it.
Some of that corruption would fall on themselves.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline Ranger99

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Re: House Reps vow to retire EVIL NASTYNANCY once and for all. YEEEEEESSS
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2021, 09:16:57 AM »
The country is falling apart, the economy is tanking and will get around to everything, and everyone . . .

Don't try to tell anyone that though.
They'll come unglued trying to tell
you how the locale is honest and
secure, and that no matter what
happens in DC or LA or NYC that
it'll never happen to them where
they're at, no way
A good friend of mine found that
out the hard way, and had to move
out of the subdivision-from-heaven
a while back.  Luckily, he came out
decent on the sale and didn't have
to take a financial enema
18 MINUTES.  . . . . . .