We know that the world will become more and more sinful as that day approaches..God says it will be "as in the days of Noah", when he decides to call an end to such things, by taking his true believers out, by way of the rapture. After that the world really goes haywire.
Believers to the rest of the world, will simply disappear..and stories will be circulated, perhaps that the "aliens" took them, or some such weird explanation.
Imagine the sudden change in life here, when suddenly, driverless cars and trucks crash, pilotless planes fall from the sky, nuclear facilities, suddenly lose a share of their trained personnel...
Non of us know what day, year or decade when the rapture will occur, because God said He will come "as a thief in the night". (2 Peter 3:10) (1 Thessalonians 5:1-4)
As one popular TV show used to say.."when it's least expected, you're elected".....
You're elected to be taken in the rapture, or left to face the worsening world..
It is totally up to us if we are to spend eternity with Him, or spend it in a hell, separated from God.
One must be "born again", or they are the loser (John 3:3).
The salvation message is not exclusive to any denomination or any special group, but to all mankind!
Here, Billy Graham explains it in his final message. Listen to the words of Billy Graham, and pray with him, meaning it with all your heart, and you will be "born again" and on your way to Heaven when you die, whether the rapture occurs in the next week or the next century.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b4TMuee7Ir8 Listen to and pray with Billy Graham...and you will be "rapture ready"....even if it happens in the next ten minutes!