I know this is really off topic for this forum,
but I have to relate a story to you folks.
Night before last I was walking out to the shop
to feed my cat. as I was walking I called him and
he would not come to me. As he really enjoys
his chow, this was very unusual.
When I got to the shop I found out why he
would not come. I got Growled at by something
from the woods. I could not see it but it was
pretty loud so I know it was close to me.
I have never heard anything like it before.
I did the normal thing and threw something
in the general direction of the sound.
nothing ran away! As I was only armed with a Gerber
folding knife, and did not really feel like being
"Chewed upon" by some sort of unseen critter
I backed up to the car to get a different weapon.
When I opened the car door I heard what ever it
was run off through the woods. It made a lot of noise
when it left so it was pretty big.
Does a rabid dog growl different than a normal dog?
I have never really heard one growl