Remember how Trump or Bush got treated when they made a " mistake"
Good point.
About the tactic of hyperbole....when does hyperbole become a lie? The line between the two is very fine and too often crossed by politicians of every persuasion.
Remember also who it was who coined the term “creative hyperbole” when statements stretched the limits.
Yes, Donald trump once wrote about "creative hyperbole".. However, I tend to make a division, rightly or not..where a hyperbole is used to lie or gain an advantage, politically or otherwise.
For instance, many of us are inclined to use such, without any ulterior motive.. Target shooting: "he missed by a mile"... "Uncle Charlie is "older than the hills"... "That shotgun was "light as a feather"... "I found these great apples under a wild tree..there are tons more left".. "Like throwing your money into a bottomless pit"...
None of those examples are for profit or to gain an advantage.
However, when a politician wildly exaggerates a death or disease toll, a cost of an opponent's program, or a complete lie about his opponent's social associations...that is a very different story !
For example....we see lies propagated concerning guns...almost daily !