I have a habit of making what I call trigger points. When I make up my mind on something I set that trigger point as to when I will lean one way or the other. When I retired from the military, I set the trigger point that after 18 years, my next duty station would be my last, when I got notice that they wanted to me to move somewhere else I retired instead. Now, with this vaccine I decided against it, and my trigger point will be if they try and make me take it on condition of my employment, I'm out. Well, we were notified that the military may make it mandatory when the FDA approves it, which they say may be Aug or Sep. If SECDEF makes it mandatory, civilians will have it as a condition of their employment, soldiers may either be released from special ops units, given USMJ, or involuntarily vaccinated (let that sink in). I had pretty much decided against getting the vaccine, but had kept my options open to see how this went with the others getting theirs. But then, it started, some trying to bribe people to get it, while others have started trying to make it mandatory, and now they want to force it on our troops? Yea, so now, there is no way in hell I will get it and my second retirement may come to pass soon.