That's all these modern bs parties are
good for is causing raw feelings.
If they hadn't known until the birth was
done and over, and mom and dad had
their private time with their new daughter,
JMHO- there wouldn't have been such
a scene
It seems that young people want to celebrate everything these days.. My great grandchildren it seems are all benefitting from a reveal party. I never saw any raw feelings over it though.
Surely the couple producing the baby should have shared with each other, the knowledge of what gender is indicated. If they have a problem in sharing even that information..the ruined party is the least of their marital problems.
Actually, I am in favor of such celebrations, but for a far different reason.
I have a new great grandson due to arrive late next month, he is already named, his name is 'Evan'.
Doing this points out to all the world..whether they like it or not, that the baby is not just a "bit of tissue", is not the mother's body, nor a "foreign invader".
If his mother were to elect to kill him (which she would never even think of doing), she would not just be doing a medical procedure..
she would be killing baby Evan...