From DB 73;
So in other words you're actually naive enough to believe that criminals follow laws.
DB.. I don't want to be rude, but when somebody comes to me with the statement.."in other words", i have to make something clear.
"In other words" is just a term used to substitute what I truly said, with "other words" !
For instance; I neither said or implied that criminals would obey laws...where did you get that idea?
Or are those just "other words" ? Please stick to the words I used, without 'editing' them..
..And yes, I suspect that Madison, Hamilton and Jefferson didn't have WMD in mind, when they approved of the second amendment.
And yes, I must admit some trepidation, that each Mohammed, Yusef or Ishmael, may be running around with nuclear briefcases or dirty bomb lunch boxes, and with nothing the law can do about it !