The MSM says the conservative part of the SBC is causing division over "racism". Yes, they are, but not
their racism !
Rather, they seem to be fighting the racism of the of the neo-Facist left. The neo-Facist left wants to introduce the totally false 'Criminal Race Theory' baloney into the mix. Anyone with more than 3 active brain cells can see that CRT is nothing more than 21st century racism..against white people this time.
They have taken up the Nazi drumbeat. The political shysters have figured out that in their effort to build a "one world" government, that by driving wedges between people by race or color, there are far less white people, compared to all non-whites grouped together.
So, if they can spread enough hatred against white people, they can build a large voting bloc. The strangest thing is that some of the worst perpetrators , are white themselves...
So the SBC struggle seems to be, between those who want to inflict the new 21st century racism on the SBC, and those who are primarily concerned with the gospel.