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TUCKER CARLSON. Pentagon leaders trying to hide the truth about criminal invader
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Tucker Carlson: Pentagon leaders are trying to hide truth about illegal immigration from Americans
A whistleblower report reveals the truth: The Biden administration is flying illegal immigrants into America's heartland
Tucker Carlson By Tucker Carlson | Fox News

Tucker obtains whistleblower report on military flying illegal immigrants
It’s not a partisan talking point or any kind of exaggeration to say that Joe Biden has opened this country’s borders to the world. Since Biden’s inauguration in January, the Border Patrol has apprehended close to a million foreign nationals coming into this country overland through Mexico.

How many people is that? It’s more than live in the entire cities of San Francisco, or Denver, or Seattle, or Indianapolis, or Boston or Charlotte. We could keep going. That’s all in just six months. That’s enough people to change our country forever. You may argue that’s a good thing. America will benefit from this influx of people from foreign countries. If so, we’d love to hear that argument. No one has so far explained how that works.


But what you can’t argue is that opening the borders was legal, or that anyone in the country voted for it. The current mass movement of foreign nationals into the United States was never approved by Congress. No one passed a law asking for it. The Biden administration just did it, unilaterally, without asking Americans what they thought of it.

They probably already knew. Every poll we’ve ever seen shows clearly that voters of all backgrounds oppose open borders. The policy is highly unpopular. So the administration couldn’t say out loud what they were doing. Instead, they operated in secrecy. They hid it. They’re hiding it right now. What exactly are they doing?

Tonight we have new information for you that answers that question, at least in part. This show has confirmed that the administration has enlisted the U.S. military to move illegal immigrants secretly around the country. It’s happening at Laughlin Air Force Base in Texas.

We know this is happening there because a man called Lt. Col. Matthew Burrows sent his subordinates an email spelling it out very clearly.

"Over the next few days, weeks or months," the note began, "you may see passenger aircraft on our ramp transporting undocumented non-citizens. Please review the attached public affairs guidance on the issue." Burrows’ email then instructed uniformed military personnel to hide what was happening on the base from the country they're sworn to serve.

Video shows Texas officers pursue suspected smugglerVideo
"Do not take photographs and refrain from posting anything on social media." Lt. Col. Burrows offered no national security justification for keeping any of this secret because there is none. He just told the people who work for him not to talk.

We got this email from a whistleblower. At first, we doubted it could be real. During the last administration, the Pentagon firmly refused to protect America’s southern border. "That’s not our job," they said. "Too political, send us to Syria." And yet, according to this document, here was the very same U.S. military leadership at the Pentagon helping the Biden administration — with maximum, enforced stealth, with secrecy — to subvert the country’s core immigration laws.


It was hard to believe that could be happening. But it is happening. The Pentagon has confirmed it to us. Spokesman Chris Mitchell described the flights as a "noncitizen movement," part of what he called "the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's mission."

He told us then to direct any further questions to ICE. So we did. We called ICE, multiple times in fact. ICE did not deny they were using Laughlin Air Force Base to relocate foreign nationals in large numbers into the interior of our country and do it secretly. The question is: where are these people going? Several times, ICE promised us additional details. But in the end, we never heard back.

 *Ice later confirmed this report to be accurate. You can see their response below:

ICE confirms Tucker's report on flights of illegal immigrants from military airportVideo
Apparently, Americans don’t have a right to know where foreign nationals are being resettled in their own country. We do know, thanks to the Center for Immigration Studies, that the Biden administration has been sending illegal migrants all over the country for some time now.

NARRATOR: What’s happening most of the time is that they’re boarding buses and heading into America’s heartland. A conveyor belt of commercial and charter buses just like this one out of Del Rio, Texas. are carrying tens of thousands sight unseen from Texas, Arizona, and California borderlands northward and they’re dropping Haitian, Venezuelan, Cuban and Central American family units in Florida, New Jersey, Tennesee,  Massachusetts, Missouri, North Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky and large cities in Texas such as Dallas and Houston.

Changing the electoral map, are we? Serving the businesses that paid for you to get elected, are we? Yes, we are.


Those were busses. Now the administration is using aircraft and Air Force bases. That ought to give you some sense of the scale involved here. What you’re watching is demographic transformation, in our country, without our consent and in violation of our laws. That is happening. Our job is to shut up and accept it. We know that they will call us names if we don’t accept it.

But no, thanks. What’s happening, what they’re doing, is wrong. It’s moreover a violation of the most basic promise of democracy, which is that citizens get to control who runs the government. We, as citizens, have an absolute right to know what they are doing.

This article is adapted from Tucker Carlson's opening commentary on the July 14, 2021, edition of "Tucker Carlson Tonight."

Tucker Carlson currently serves as the host of FOX News Channel’s (FNC) Tucker Carlson Tonight (weekdays 8PM/ET). He joined the network in 2009 as a contributor.

Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.