In the Old Testament, gays were to be stoned to death. Marriage is a symbol of the union of God and Man through Christ and the church. In the New Testament, Christ taught to repent of sin to receive forgiveness. Repentance means don't do the sin. "Liberal Christians" do not spend the time to read the Bible, nor learn what repentance of sin, and acceptance of Christ for our sins means.
Abortion, being gay, only 40-50 years ago was illegal in America. Why, because our laws were based on Christian Principles as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said in 1892. He said America was basically a Christian nation and our laws were based on Christian principles.
My how far we have strayed as a country.
There are many tens of thousands or
more of people that shop around for
a church that will tell them what they
want to hear and not mention eternal
hell and damnation
I know just such a woman that left her
long time church because of her 2
homosexual daughters and a bisexual
grandson, and shopped around for a
church that wouldn't say homosexuality
was condemned in the Bible.
Now she drives 20+ miles farther
to attend the feel good church
Many many feel good, good times
ahead, get rich, hidden Bible secrets
churches around today