Health care for teachers in my understanding, is paid for through their retirement plans that they contribute to during their career.
What I, and millions of others have questioned for years is, "health care for life" for non combat military that served 2 to 4 years. 2 to 4 years in the military gets one free medical benefits for life.
Then there are those that get these "lifetime health benefits" that go on to a 30 year+ civilian career, then draw retirement from that career, and then file "and get" a total disability check every month from the military.
That in itself, seems way farther over the top than teachers retirement benefits that they "earned" over a career spanning decades.
Factual information States that around 7% of the United States population served in the military, and only 1 out of every 10 soldier actually saw combat.
All 3 of my sons served in the military. Only ONE saw combat (3 tours 39 months total) and only ONE rides the "health care for life" gravy train. And no, it's not the combat veteran. He pays his, and his family's own way.
On the other hand, I had an uncle that joined the United States Air Force. He had two tours in Vietnam, one being at Danang Air Base when it was hit losing somewhere around 100 aircraft in that attack.
He died while still on active duty with 30+ years and no intentions of retiring at the time. He earned everything he, and his family received as far as benefits.
Now, I'm sure I'm going to catch some flack for pointing out these "facts", and be accused of being "unpatriotic", and not supporting the troops.
So be it, let'em rave.
I will say that, I contributed 3 sons to the services, and they will tell anybody that their old man has always supported the military.
However, many veterans with 2 to 4 years service, never served in combat, have, and are, gaming the system, and a corrupt Veteran Administration is helping them.
Anytime a military veteran can come out of a 2 to 4 year non combat military service, then do a 25 to 30 year career in a physically demanding job, they should not be entitled to "free health care for life", and certainly not "full disability military benefit checks".
Ive known numerous acquaintances over the years that have done this, and it should be treated as fraud.
While I don't agree with what our new and improved CRT teaching school system teachers are promoting, I don't begrudge the benefits they paid during their careers, and whilst EVERYONE complains about Congressional members getting "lifetime medical benefits" I will say the same thing about "non-career ex-military" with less than 5 years of non-combat service.