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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #120 on: August 12, 2021, 10:45:25 PM »
I grew up around LOTS of teachers and saw the same from many. I think its an attitude they cop because they are looking for some kind of credibility due to the fact they make less money then about anyone who graduates college. There paycheck doesnt validate the time and money they (usually there parents) spent so they have some self inflated sense of worth. Kind of like a chiropractor that wants to thinks hes a doctor. Even my own mother would get angry when the conversation went to the fact i made substantially more then her as a lineman when she had a masters degree. It bothered her. I could get under her skin with comments like you knew the pay scale before you picked your major. But in her defense back they teachers did get a bit of respect. Its not our fault they dont today. They destroyed there own respect when they let the liberal socialist teachers overrun the system. THAT makes my mother much more angry then the fact i made more money then her and so did my dad with a ged he got in the service. 
I've met very few teachers over the years that DIDN'T believe they were always a little smarter than the parents.
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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #121 on: August 13, 2021, 12:49:06 AM »
What I have seen throughout life is that right or wrong teachers stick together. Its the Rah, Rah, union mentality.  No mater how wrong something is that is being taught. Teachers will not admit its damaging to young minds, and the health of America itself. One of the teachers on this very forum stated this "I am not going to deny it. I retired decades ago. I just do not know for sure. You seem very certain. Have you seen a text or a syllabus or a curriculum outline for CRT?"  He said he isn't denying it, but actually he was. He questioned if the poster he was replying to had seen a syllabus or curriculum for CRT.  Its basically the same thing as denial.  He knew that the poster had not laid eyes on a curriculum for CRT.  Its why he bought it up.  Anyone that has internet access, and knows how to research, say CRT in our schools, can clearly find enough evidence in a very short amount of time that its very prevalent in many schools and has been.  Especially in our schools of higher learning that indoctrinate the very teachers that will poison young minds for decades.   

Thank you for the quote. Since you wrote that missive twisting my ideas into a shape useful to you, I have been taking your advice and searching the internet for, as you say, clear evidence the the teaching of CRT is very prevalent in schools. I have found it slow going. (The search term I am using is : is critical race theory being taught in - name of state - schools.) if you can suggest better term for a search, I am ready to listen. I am ready to take advice.
So far, I have found no states that will admit to allowing CRT curriculum in to their schools. That does not mean that it is not happening, I know that. Connecticut does not use the term CRT but is committed to the study of diversity. Indiana says no as does Illinois, Minnesota, New York and….I am not going to list more as I have not assessed all 50 states yet. In addition, there is the problem of whether you would believe anything that I found.
But I am trying. I am open to ideas.
I have been unable to locate an actual syllabus in use.

The four links I posted I found in just a few minutes. try using a search engine that isn't controlled by radical leftists. like DuckDuckGo for instance.
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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #122 on: August 13, 2021, 01:27:18 AM »
People that don't want to see what is going on in the schools, aren't gonna see it. There is more than enough evidence displayed DAILY on the  news media, depending on the channels one watches.
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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #123 on: August 13, 2021, 02:02:19 AM »
People that don't want to see what is going on in the schools, aren't gonna see it. There is more than enough evidence displayed DAILY on the  news media, depending on the channels one watches.

   Millions of "good Germans", closed their eyes and ears, from 1930 through half  of the 1940s..because "their guys" were in charge.
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #124 on: August 13, 2021, 03:02:56 AM »
The other day you posted a wikipedia article about The Great Reset which is being engineered by the world Elitist Cognicenti.

That article said the 3 pillars of the Great Reset are Covid, Climate Change, and CT or Critical Race Theory. That's right, that article goes on to say according to the Great Reset Elitist, that the basis of capitalism is 'racism'. They go on to propose a NWO socialism system, which is basically capitalism for them--socialism for everybody else.....the new slavery system in ant colonies.

Are there any teachers, unions, or education think tanks not on board with the Great Reset? I think not.

  All through history, there has never been any nation or culture without it's "elites".  Fortunately thus far, the American elites have been content to live in their bubble construct, without greatly limiting the rights of the people.
  Now it appears, that the new, more connected, more wealthy and more able to surveil John Q.Public, want to have more and closer control of the 'great unwashed'.

  They worship themselves rather than God, so there is no limit to their avarice.  Their Utopia would be to treat all people as an ant colony, with them as the great ant gods.

  Evidence?  Have we not seen the 'dry runs' of puttingthe people into masks, limitying their gatherings and even their travel?

  Perhaps youhave noticed the recent commercials on TV, saying .."If you see something..say something"..neatly preparing  the willing to enter ino an informer culture..

  The great problem of this era... America is the last bastion..if she falls, there is no refuge where one may flee to.

  THe "WOKE", have not been awakened.. butrather, they have been sung to sleep..
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #125 on: August 13, 2021, 04:05:10 AM »
People that don't want to see what is going on in the schools, aren't gonna see it. There is more than enough evidence displayed DAILY on the  news media, depending on the channels one watches.

Right! If people refuse to see what is wrong in our educational system, then nothing at all is wrong, or can be wrong. All you have to do is close your eyes and ears, and say you have not seen or heard of any evidence.  In other words if you don't know everything is fine.  The saying ignorance is bliss is very true. 

The Oregon state Governor Kate Brown  just signed a law that allows students to graduate without proving they can read write or do math.  If this isn't just another attempt to pour more ignorant people into society. Then what is it? I'm sure most all the unionized teachers will be on board with it. 
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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #126 on: August 13, 2021, 04:13:29 AM »
Ignorant people are easier to control.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglows

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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #127 on: August 13, 2021, 05:24:13 AM »
  "(The search term I am using is : is critical race theory being taught in - name of state - schools.) if you can suggest better term for a search, I am ready to listen. I am ready to take advice.
So far, I have found no states that will admit to allowing CRT curriculum in to their schools."

   Could you be using wrong criteria?  Searching for CRT in a like searching for the "re-education camps".. in the publications of L'il Kim's North Korea.

  Remember what I said concerning terminology..
     Aa copperhead can be called a garter snake, but his bite is just as painful as ever.
"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

Offline DDZ

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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #128 on: August 13, 2021, 11:18:05 AM »
  "(The search term I am using is : is critical race theory being taught in - name of state - schools.) if you can suggest better term for a search, I am ready to listen. I am ready to take advice.
So far, I have found no states that will admit to allowing CRT curriculum in to their schools."

   Could you be using wrong criteria?  Searching for CRT in a like searching for the "re-education camps".. in the publications of L'il Kim's North Korea.

  Remember what I said concerning terminology..
     Aa copperhead can be called a garter snake, but his bite is just as painful as ever.

I'm quite confident he knows how to do an internet search.  It comes down to just not wanting to see any evidence.
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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #129 on: August 13, 2021, 01:12:31 PM »
Has any real teachers chimed in here?  Or are they afraid to?
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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #130 on: August 13, 2021, 01:49:22 PM »

  I warned about the parsing oof terms with CRT.  So I suggest you try this search..  "Is racism being taught in American schools"?

  I tried that more straight forward and clear question, and found much information..  Here are some sites.

  I especially recommend the Washington Examiner article, which by the way, explains what is actually being taught ...Rather than being tied up in semantics..trying to parse words, so as to hide the  facts. 
   Here is the Washington Examiner article..  Try an open mind approach..

"They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns, then it will be through the bullet"      (Saul Alinsky) ...hero of the left..

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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #131 on: August 14, 2021, 04:19:41 AM »
I attended a lecture on CRT last year, sort of a CRT for dummies introduction by one of the faculty at the Navy War College, who had taught CRT and other related subjects in the University of Oregon system for many years. I would say she did a great job presenting it academically, did not try to sell anyone on it, but in reply to my questions, where does CRT take us? what alternative system does it provide? She readily admitted that it's sole purpose is really to undermine the existing structures, and provides nothing in its place. I replied, it seems it only leads to despair and anger, and she again readily admitted that that is the most common response to CRT. I also pressed to find the supporting structure for CRT - in science a theory is formed after some observation. No such thing exists for CRT; you must first believe all the tenets of CRT to be true, in order for the theory to work. Its a very elaborate tautology. If you believe it with your whole heart, then everything makes sense - does not provide hope, but it answers a lot of the questions why in a way that satisfy a pre-existing bias. It is, however, a social theory who's validity can only be proven in controlled settings where all the presuppositions believe CRT to be true. If you are skeptical, or outright deny the validity of the theory, it cannot stand under that level of scrutiny. As social sciences go, its one of the weakest theories ever offered, and yet one of the most commonly held because it satisfies the ego's need for an "other" to blame for things.

There is some tacit pressure to include the assumptions of CRT in the classes I lead, and I've recently been designated to a collateral duty which only makes sense if CRT is assumed. Given the makeup of the DOD's advisory council on human affairs, I suspect the assumptions of CRT will be baked into every level of military training and education in the coming years, without using the actual technical language. An example is the push now to restore photos to promotion boards. They were removed so as to remove racism from the selection process, the assumption being that if I did not know the color of the candidate, and only the merit, then we would see a natural elimination of racial bias, and increase in diversity of outcomes. We did not, in fact, we saw the opposite; once the photos were removed, and boards were based entirely on merit, diversity plummeted. Now we want the photos back for the opposite reason - if we knew the candidate was a BIPOC we'd be more likely to promote them. All of that is rooted in CRT.
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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #132 on: August 16, 2021, 02:39:53 AM »
  "(The search term I am using is : is critical race theory being taught in - name of state - schools.) if you can suggest better term for a search, I am ready to listen. I am ready to take advice.
So far, I have found no states that will admit to allowing CRT curriculum in to their schools."

   Could you be using wrong criteria?  Searching for CRT in a like searching for the "re-education camps".. in the publications of L'il Kim's North Korea.

  Remember what I said concerning terminology..
     Aa copperhead can be called a garter snake, but his bite is just as painful as ever.

I'm quite confident he knows how to do an internet search.  It comes down to just not wanting to see any evidence.
No….it does not come down to that. What it comes down to is that there remains in the media and in this forum only a very general idea of what CRT is. THAT is the point that I been pushing. This confusion remains as just the other day one of our posters noted that CT and CRT were being taught in the schools. That, despite the fact that the very distinct differences between CT and CRT have been explained. CT is not a subject; the long series of posts in this thread is a good example of Critical Theory at work.
 Evidence. Look what I asked to do to find the “right” evidence: use search engines not controlled by the left and look for news on the right channels. What? Essentially, i am told to edit my info sources until they agree with y’all. That simply changes one set of manipulated news for another. All media manipulates what it reports. If you watch or listen to news from the “right” stations and believe without question what they tell you, you are just as gullible as those people that you call sheep.

I am well aware that there is a pervasive and racist movement in society and thus in the schools that is extremely disturbing. I pointed this out in an earlier post (#48) referencing a very disturbing poster that was on display at the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture. It has since been removed though the minds that composed it are still out there.

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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #133 on: August 16, 2021, 04:08:11 AM »

No….it does not come down to that. What it comes down to is that there remains in the media and in this forum only a very general idea of what CRT is. THAT is the point that I been pushing. This confusion remains as just the other day one of our posters noted that CT and CRT were being taught in the schools. That, despite the fact that the very distinct differences between CT and CRT have been explained. CT is not a subject; the long series of posts in this thread is a good example of Critical Theory at work.
 Evidence. Look what I asked to do to find the “right” evidence: use search engines not controlled by the left and look for news on the right channels. What? Essentially, i am told to edit my info sources until they agree with y’all. That simply changes one set of manipulated news for another. All media manipulates what it reports. If you watch or listen to news from the “right” stations and believe without question what they tell you, you are just as gullible as those people that you call sheep.

I am well aware that there is a pervasive and racist movement in society and thus in the schools that is extremely disturbing. I pointed this out in an earlier post (#48) referencing a very disturbing poster that was on display at the Smithsonian Museum of African American History and Culture. It has since been removed though the minds that composed it are still out there.

Part of the issue is that both CT and CRT are themselves not clearly defined, because they are theories. Its inherent to a theory to not be comprehensive, however these theories present themselves as comprehensive, while leaving it to believers of the theory to flesh out meaning based on the theory.

What persists, however, is that both theories are rooted in a presupposition that can only be substantiated by believing in the theory first. As such, it presents itself in the category of religion. Given that both CT and CRT are derivative, not seminal, theories, i.e. derived from a previous theory, in this case, each were derived from the socio-economic theories of Marx, who most forget was a philosopher who posited social theories. He too was known to present theories that smacked of religion, i.e. requiring faith in the theory absent substantiating evidence. Marxist social theories when practiced have all proven to fail which is predictable given they lacked supporting evidence. CT and CRT are on the same path for the same reason.
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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #134 on: August 16, 2021, 04:33:54 AM »
Now there's an explanation.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: What say you teachers
« Reply #135 on: August 16, 2021, 06:47:42 AM »
Rob: it is always an education reading your analysis. Thanks for that.
