From Guzzi;
"Capitalism will not regulate itself thus unions and federal/state regulations.
GuzziJohn There was a day in history, when unions were a positive move.. e.g. coal mining, and other virtual slave working operations of the past, come to mind.
Since then, the unions have come to have too much influence, and have moved to take on far more authority than they should be entitled to, especially since one of the 2 "parties' have taken up their cause, while trying to crush the free worker (merit earner) cause.
Why is it, whenever Joe Bumbles talks of developing new jobs..of which he has no concept, he always qualifies jobs as, "good, union jobs?" Why must all jobs be union jobs? Why is that a necessary qualification?
Consider your teacher's unions.. They have for years, played the old shibboleth...
" it's for the children!" ! SPARE US! The shenanigans the teachers have dragged public schools through for the last school year, has PROVEN, they don't give two toots "for the children"! They are only USING the students..as bargaining chips for their advantage.
We all have witnessed those teachers posting an hours worth of assignments from the Cancun or the Bahamas !
Charter schools have proven their worth, especially in underprivileged neighborhoods. In many cases,
Christian schools are regularly producing better scholars than many public schools.
So, where are the teacher's unions! Are they speaking "for the children"...or are they fighting against these few opportunities some deprived children may benefit from, to lift them up another rung on the social ladder?
Why do they fight the voucher system, when it is exactly vehicle many needy families would use to obtain a better education "for their children"? For parents who pay property taxes, yet cannot access them for their children's education, some form of tyranny.."taxation without representation" !
Honest competition improves everything! If the teacher's unions are concerned "for the children", why don't they take the challenge and allow vouchers, showing how they can HONESTLY compete and finish a more competent and complete education?
The whole idea of a union especially for teachers, as opposed to free workers... is antithetical to a better education. Promotion under a union, is based upon 'seniority', rather than capability or competence. Thus as we have seen, some of the more incompetent can rise to more authority than a better qualified person of less seniority.
Unionized teachers have been a disaster for schools in the US..which may be exactly why American schools have slid so far down the scholastic scale in recent years, when compared to others around the world.
It appears that American teacher's unions are not doing as well as some emerging nations, such as Cambodia, Ghana and Nigeria..