I will post this here as it will get to more members. (Just a heads up)
I was at my local Wal-Mart today and they were loaded with black powder shooting supplies so if you are low or in need you might check your store. Mine had all kinds of bullets, powder, primers Etc. Prices were about where they should be. (Please note) I think some have taken my post the wrong way, by that what I was saying was that my local WM store was well stocked on (Black power shooting supplies) example modern inline muzzleloaders I did not mean to imply that they were carrying Modern rifle reloading supplies which they never have as far as I know. Hope this helps. Where I live which is south of Tulsa Oklahoma if I need reloading supplies I have two choices, Dong's which is a large gun shop with about everything you could want and Jerrys who is just reloading supplies but Fairley well stocked. I think Jerry is also a member of the forum not sure.