. . So how much is this gun shop making on this gun, selling it at $16 over MSRP?
It depends on where they had to get it from.
Most dealers these days get their firearms
from wholesalers and some have to take in
the wazzoo just to have anything to sell.
Lots of factors involved these days, mainly
internet sales that pokes everybody starting
at the factory loading dock.
Years back, there were over a dozen gun
shops right within spitting distance, and
they all flourished. Now there's only one
I've known him for years, and he explained
to me one time how complicated and
complex it's gotten trying to keep a
"brick and mortar " gun store open and
paying the bills in 2021.
The ammo "shortage " was what kicked
him in the teeth, and he nearly had to
close. It's tough to sell a new gun, then
explain to your customer that you don't
have ammo for the gun you just sold
and can't get any
Reminds me of the old monty python
sketch about the cheese shop with
no cheese, except it's not funny